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Sudan Tribune

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Women reject armed opposition representatives in Jonglei state

May 16, 2016 (BOR)-The women of South Sudan’s Jonglei state have voiced their concerns, rejecting representatives of the armed opposition in Jonglei state, alleging brutally murdered people in Bor county between December 2013 and January 2014.

Women march bare-footed for peace on Women's Day in Yambio town, March 8, 2016 (ST)
Women march bare-footed for peace on Women’s Day in Yambio town, March 8, 2016 (ST)
During an occasion organised to mark South Sudan army (SPLA) day in Bor, women groups joined hands and sung songs that portrayed their complete rejection of allocating any political posts to the armed opposition, branding them “killers” and “rapists”.

Dokdit Chuor, who spoke on their behalf, said women would be forced to commit suicide, should the state government allow murderers into the current administration.

“We will not, and will never receive the SPLM-IO into this place. They humiliated us as women. They killed the women in this town, pushing logs of woods their genital parts, probably after raping them. This is not acceptable worldwide”, said Chuor.

“Through senseless wars, in which women are always targeted by him and his group, Riek will never be the president in this land. Even those who ran to him to get positions would fall off like leaves from wilting trees”, she added.

Speculations were rife in the state, with multiple residents anticipating that the deputy governor’s post will be handed over to the opposition, together with one or two ministries, further angering women who suffered most during the 21-month conflict.

Meanwhile, Maj. Gen. Atem Aguang explained the genesis of the SPLA day, saying the struggle was necessary since it paved way for South Sudan’s independence years later.

“Today’s celebration should not be seen as SPLA day. It is for the people of South Sudan. That is what defined where we came from and the result was the peace that was signed, which granted us our independent country”, Atem said during the SPLA day in Bor.


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