Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan police denies army behind death of SPLA-IO officer

July 4, 2016 (JUBA) – Spokesperson of South Sudan Police Service has denied that the death of an officer belonging to the Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA-IO), a co-national army under the overall command of the First Vice President, Riek Machar, was politically motivated.

Late Captain Gismallah George (File photo)
Late Captain Gismallah George (File photo)
Brigadier General Daniel Justin Boulo attributed the cause of death of Lt. Colonel George Gismala on Saturday to the prevalence of guns in the hands of unauthorized persons in the country.

“When people who have access to weapons and everyone has a gun, the life of everyone is [at] risk and it becomes difficult to identify and know the perpetuators,” Boulo said Monday when reached to comment on the matter.

He said people with different motives have illegally acquired weapons as well as those using military uniforms are among the groups roaming and causing insecurity situation.

The issue of insecurity, he said, will reduce when the illegally armed people are identified and disarmed.

This, he further added, cannot be done single handedly by the army or the police force and security forces but a work of everybody in the country in order to create a conducive security environment.

“Nobody has the monopoly of creating conducive security situation. The army can do its best to avail manpower to provide protection to the citizens and their properties but it is the responsibility of every citizen to work with the army, the police and the security personnel by giving information. If the government has no information about the unusual behaviour of a certain group, then how will the army know there is a group involved in strange activities? It is through information sharing that the army, the police and the security organs will know,” Boulo explained.

His comments came after government acknowledged that its military intelligence killed a “criminal” who attacked their patrol team at Kator residential area.


However, Military Spokesperson of the SPLA-IO, Colonel William Gatjiath Deng, has released a press statement on Monday, accusing the SPLA forces of killing the officer, George Alex Sandra aka George Gismala.

Deng also enumerated a number of other violations the SPLA and national security have allegedly committed in Juba over a period of two weeks.

“National Security agents shots our cars and firing random bullets even near the residence of the 1st Vice President. 1. On date 16/6/2016, National Security shot the car of the 1st Vice President at Gudela road and 2. Shot also the car of the share command Cdr. John Mabiek Gaar at Mongateen on 19/6/2016. 3. On the 2nd of July/2016, the SPLA-IG, killed our good officer by the name “Lt.Col. George Alex Sandra” while he was found sitting with his brothers shot him and take him away and brought his body back at night and place it at the Juba Teaching Hospital. 4. They have planned to assassinate all former National Security and IM officers and personnel who deserted to the SPLA-IO. 5. They keep 137-IO members in their detention and they don’t want release them, where is the peace?,” wrote Col. Deng in the statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Monday.

He accused the troops loyal to President Kiir of reneging on the implementation of the security arrangements, including establishment of cantonment areas for SPLA-IO in Greater Equatoria and Greater Bahr el Ghazal regions.

Also, he said their partner has not implemented the required redeployment of forces to 25 km outside the national capital.


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