Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLM-IO Secretary General, minister beaten in Juba

July 14, 2016 (JUBA) – A senior official of the opposition faction of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM-IO) has been severely beaten and briefly detained by security personnel loyal to President Salva Kiir.

A Picture released by the SPLM-IO for its SG and Minister of Energy, Dhieu Mathok Diing Wol, after he was beaten by South Sudan security, Juba, 14 July 2016.
A Picture released by the SPLM-IO for its SG and Minister of Energy, Dhieu Mathok Diing Wol, after he was beaten by South Sudan security, Juba, 14 July 2016.
Dhieu Mathok Diing Wol, Secretary General of the SPLM-IO under the leadership of the South Sudan’s First Vice President, Riek Machar, was beaten in his hotel where he was accommodated.

The official who is also the Minister of Energy per the power sharing agreement between Kiir and Machar, and the third most senior official of the SPLM-IO, was later on released by the security personnel.

It was not clear why the minister and senior party official was targeted by the security personnel.

The incident occurred just hours after the minister dismissed as untrue a report published by Radio Tamazuj earlier in the day that Dhieu was approached by members of the Jieng [Dinka] Council of Elders (JCE) to defect to President Kiir together with Mabior Garang de Mabior, minister of water and irrigation, also from Machar’s faction.

Dhieu said what Radio Tamazuj reported was “incredible”, saying he never talked to the radio organization about the approach by JCE.

“I would like to inform our people that what was reported by Radio Tamazuj was not true.
RadioTamazuj didn’t contact me for any statement or interview for three months. The story published by Radio Tamazuj on 14/7/2016 that JCE contacted me and Hon Mabior Garang is incredible,” Minister Dhieu posted on his Facebook.

Hours later he was looked for by the security personnel who found him in his hotel and beat him. It was not clear if the target was related to his rejection of the approach by JCE.

JCE is tribal body composed of ethnic Dinka intellectuals and senior members of the government. They give informal advices to President Kiir. Minister Dhieu is also a member of the Dinka ethnic group from which President Kiir hails.


SPLM-IO leader’s spokesman, James Gatdet Dak, said the incident was “unfortunate” and was an indication that their peace partner had the desire to harm some of their officials.

“We condemn this incident. President Salva Kiir should reign in his security personnel. It is unfortunate that a senior constitutional post holder was beaten and arrested without any official charges and arrest warrant, not even respecting his constitutional immunity,” Dak told Sudan Tribune on Thursday.

Dak said he could hear the beating of the minister on the phone as they were talking.

“Minister Dr. Dhieu Mathok Diing called me at around 3pm local time to alert me that security personnel had surrounded his hotel and wanted to arrest SPLM-IO ministers. As I was trying to get details from him of what was happening, suddenly I heard in the background voices of a number of the security personnel shouting at him, beating him for about 40 seconds until the phone was off. I tried to call him back but his phone was off,” Dak narrated.

He said the security operatives took him away but later on released him.

Dak also said the Crown Hotel, where the incident occurred, has been reportedly sealed off by the security personnel, allowing nobody in or out.

He said the opposition group called on the Chairperson of the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC), President Festus Mogae, and the leadership of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to ensure the safety of the opposition’s officials currently in Juba.

The incident also occurred three days after the two warring parties and partners of the transitional unity government declared a ceasefire to end their four day of fighting in Juba.


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