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Sudan Tribune

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Troika, EU and Germany welcome signing of peace roadmap by Sudanese opposition

Sudan Call leaders sign the Roadmap Agreement paving the way for talks with the government on cessation of hostilities and humanitarian access on 8 August 2016 (ST Photo)
Sudan Call leaders sign the Roadmap Agreement paving the way for talks with the government on cessation of hostilities and humanitarian access on 8 August 2016 (ST Photo)

August 9, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – Members of Sudan’s Troika, European Union and Germany have expressed deep satisfaction over the signing of the Roadmap Agreement on peace and dialogue by the opposition umbrella Sudan Call.

On Monday, four Sudan Call groups including the National Umma Party, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement /North, Justice and Equality Movement and Sudan Liberation Movement led by Minni Minnawi signed the Roadmap Agreement brokered by the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP).

The four groups had initially rejected the peace plan rejected the peace plan, saying it excludes other opposition groups, and omits important confidence building measures such as political freedoms and release of political detainees and prisoners.

However after five months, they agreed to ink it after receiving reassurance from the head of the AUHIP Thabo Mbeki.

In a joint statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Tuesday, the representatives of the Sudan Troika including Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States besides Germany and the European Union have welcomed the signing of the Roadmap by the four Sudan Call groups.

“These groups have demonstrated a laudable commitment to ending the conflicts in Sudan and moving towards a process of dialogue as a basis for lasting peace in their country,” the statement read.

The statement also commended the Sudanese government for signing the Roadmap on 16 March 2016, and “clarifying its commitments regarding the inclusion of other relevant stakeholders in the national dialogue and to continue to uphold any decisions reached between the opposition signatories and the 7+7 mechanism”.

“We recognise that the opposition had expressed valid concerns which have been noted by the AUHIP. We believe these would constitute legitimate agenda items for any preparatory meetings,” the statement added.

The statement stressed that the Roadmap constitutes a valuable step towards ending the wars in Sudan, urging “the signatories to lose no further time in agreeing a cessation of hostilities and modalities for humanitarian access in Darfur and the Two Areas”.

“In parallel, we encourage opposition parties in Sudan to seize this opportunity to come together inside a process of dialogue to achieve a political settlement addressing the challenges that continue to face their people. And we appeal to the Government of Sudan to take all necessary steps to ensure a conducive environment for this process to succeed,” the statement said.

It further called on the signatories to engage constructively and sincerely to build on the Roadmap in order to realise a peaceful and stable Sudan.


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