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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese security service arrests human rights defender

December 8, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – The National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) arrested Sudanese human rights defender, Mudawi Ibrahim Adam, in Khartoum and taken him to undisclosed location, said Amnesty International on Thursday.

Chairman of the Sudan Social Development Organization (SUDO) Mudawi Ibrahim Adam (www.democracyandsecurity.org)
Chairman of the Sudan Social Development Organization (SUDO) Mudawi Ibrahim Adam (www.democracyandsecurity.org)
Adam was arrested on Wednesday 7 December at the Khartoum University, where he works as an engineering professor.

The human rights group said his arrest is “further proof of the government’s intolerance of independent voices”.

Sudanese authorities recently arrested over 40 opposition figures and activists following the increase of fuel, electricity and drugs.

Adam’s arrest comes among calls by the opposition groups for a second general strike on 19 December. A first strike took place between 27 to 29 November.

“Mudawi’s arbitrary arrest underscores the government’s desperate attempts to extinguish the last embers of dissent in the country. This wanton repression and disregard for human rights must come to an end,” said Michelle Kagari, Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes.

The Troika countries, European Union and Canada Wednesday expressed concern about “the detention, apparently without charge, of a number of political leaders either in anticipation of protests or having protested government economic moves”.

From December 2003 to January 2005, Mudawi had been arrested, during several months in connection with his work with the Sudan Social Development Organization (SUDO) in Darfur.


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