Fangak state government relocates to Ayod town
December 23, 2016 (BOR) – Fangak state government has relocated its operational headquarters from the South Sudanese capital, Juba to the state capital, Ayod.
Majority of them are seeing home for the first time after more than two years since the South Sudanese crisis started.
Since the formation of the new state, its government has been operating in Juba, with exception of the Ayod county commissioner who, sometimes, operated from Ayod town.
Ayod was one of the areas badly affected by the conflict, which broke out between South Sudan’s warring faction in December 2013, killing thousands and displacing millions.
“It has had been long for us staying in Juba, and yet the state government is not happy with how we stay here. It seems it was not our fault, we are very ready to go to the state capital, whether is there is nothing [on the ground], we can start with the tents”, James Lony, a state official, said.
Fangak was one of the four new states formed from old Jonglei, through a decree announced by the president.
Currently, however, a large part of the state territory is rebel-controlled, with only Ayod town under the control of government forces.