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Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudan governors urged to restore peace, assist citizens

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

May 9, 2017 (ADDIS ABABA) – The grass roots population of Nuer community in South Sudan called up on governors of Mai-wut, Lafjor, Pangak, Akobo and Pochalla states to go on ground, restore peace and provide services to war-affected citizens.

Salva Kiir takes his seat at the State House, in Juba, prior to a brief consultative meeting with cabinet and State Governors, on August 16, 2015 (Photo AFP/Waakhe Simon Wudu)
Salva Kiir takes his seat at the State House, in Juba, prior to a brief consultative meeting with cabinet and State Governors, on August 16, 2015 (Photo AFP/Waakhe Simon Wudu)
The calls come only days after the US-backed monitoring group, Famine Early Warning Systems Network warned that famine is likely to spread across South Sudan during the months of July-September in the absence of food aid.

Also the United Nations on Sunday warned that thousands of children could perish in the young nation, unless aid quickly arrives in the country.

Colonel Dickson Gatluak, spokesman at the office of the SPLM-IO led by first vice President, Taban Deng Gai, said the Nuer community’s call is an initiative for nation building and restoration.

“The main purpose is to deliver services such as education, health facilities and coordinated humanitarian assistance for the people severely affected by the continued conflict in South Sudan” Gatluak said in an email sent to Sudan Tribune.

According to Gatluak, communities like the Nuers and the Achollo kingdom had been cut off from basic services since civil war broke out in the youngest nation in 2013.

Gatluak said the first vice president has started sending governors to their respective states.

For instance, the governor of Mai-Wut, Bol Ruach Rom has on Monday left for Guesgouk to arrange his trip to his state. Similarly governor of Pochalla left for his state Tuesday morning, while the rest are expected to follow suit.

The Gai-led leadership warned there would not be excuse for any attempts to hinder operations of humanitarian organizations from delivering aid at this critical time.

Gatluak said there was no civilian-led administration in the areas mentioned except warlords and commanders operating under Riek Machar led SPLM-IO faction since the war broke out in 2013.

He, however, said the leadership has now decided to restore the system.

“The civil administration will come soon to the ground with full support of Taban Deng Gai led SPLM-IO forces to rescue the suffering of the people” he added.

Gatluak called on humanitarian organizations to assist the displaced populations in Kodak (Northern Upper Nile), Kaka (Jonglei state) and in Tunja.


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