Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudan rebels claimed repulsed pro-government attacks

July 7, 2017 (PAGAK) – South Sudan armed opposition forces loyal to former First Vice-President, Riek Machar said they repulsed pro-government attacks in Torit, Mangok, Mathiang, Malou and Biot on Friday.

Rebel fighters aligned with former vice-president Riek Machar march through a village inside rebel-controlled territory in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state on 9 February 2014 (Photo: Reuters)
Rebel fighters aligned with former vice-president Riek Machar march through a village inside rebel-controlled territory in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state on 9 February 2014 (Photo: Reuters)
The rebel spokesperson Brigadier Gen, William Gatjiath said the recent attack undermines efforts to bring peace to the country.

The clashes, the official said, occurred as pro-government forces allegedly tried to regain areas controlled by the rebel forces.

“In the Mangok, Mathiang, Malou and Biot fighting, the gallant SPLA-IO [South Sudan armed opposition] forces of Division Five (5) under the command of Cdr Major General Khor Chuol Giet and Deputy Sector Four (4) Commander Major General Peter Lim Bol resisted and repulsed the Juba regime aggression from the Guelguk direction back to their Malou temporary trenches, where their remnants are now being contained,” Gatjiath said in a statement.

He also claimed pro-government forces suffered heavy losses as they attempted to advance towards territories held by the SPLA-IO.

Sudan Tribune could not independently verify claims made by the rebels.

The SPLA-IO deputy spokesperson, Lam Paul told Sudan Tribune that fighting erupted Friday between their forces and government troops around Boro Medina in Western Bhar el Ghazal region.

He claimed the armed opposition forces regained more territories near Raja and repulsed several attacks from government-allied forces.

13 militias allied to the government were killed and two others injured, said Lam, adding that they captured seven AK-47 guns.

Meanwhile, the armed opposition is calling on the United Nations, African Union and the international community to hold Juba responsible for the brutal and ruthless killing of civilians in South Sudan.


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