Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLMN-Agar accuses Sudanese army of executing POW

August 7, 2017 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/North led by Malik Agar (SPLMN-Agar) has accused the government of executing a Prisoner of War (POW) from the Movement describing the move as a war crime.

A SPLA-N rebel soldier, in South Kordofan (AFP)
A SPLA-N rebel soldier, in South Kordofan (AFP)
In a press release extended to Sudan Tribune, SPLMN-Agar spokesperson Mubarak Ardol said SPLA’s “Sergeant Adam Essa Agoumi Koumi (aka Idam) was executed in the prisons of El-Obeid, North Kordofan [capital] on August 3 by the intelligence of the [Sudanese army] Western Command”.

He said the SPLMN-Agar intends to notify the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and human rights groups “to open an independent investigation into the incident to punish the culprits and protect the rest of the POWs according to the international laws and conventions”.

Ardol said the Sudanese army’s move is a clear violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of the POWs, saying the executed prisoner was arrested on 9 December 2014 in Mabsout area, Abu Karshola, South Kordofan state.

Sudan Tribune was unable to reach a government official in North Kordofan state for comment.

The SPLMN-Agar added they received information that the Sudanese military intelligence refused “even to hand over the body of the martyr Idam to his family and only handed over his written will to one of his relatives who attended the burial in El-Obeid”.

Since 2011, Sudanese Armed Forces is fighting the SPLM-N rebels in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states. Some 12 rounds of talks between the government of Sudan and SPLM-N failed to achieve peace.


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