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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan’s Sobat youth deplore governor’s “hate speech”

Civilians and rebel fighters are seen on a boat in Sobat river in town of Ulang in Upper Nile State , South Sudan February 7, 2014 (Reuters Photo)
Civilians and rebel fighters are seen on a boat in Sobat river in town of Ulang in Upper Nile State , South Sudan February 7, 2014 (Reuters Photo)

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

October 3, 2017 (ADDIS ABABA) – Sobat State Youth Union on Tuesday said they are strongly angered by what they termed as ”hate speech’ ushered by The state Governor, Gen.Chuol Lam Pouch, during his visit to Wechdeng of Malou County.

In a statement extended to Sudan Tribune, the Union said that Chuol, along with some few members of the state cabinet, had a surprised tour to the eastern part of Nasir where he held a rally with the local community there.

According to the youth group, Governor Chuol told the community members in Wechdeng of Malou county that his government have a plan to cease operating in Mandeng town of Nasir county.

He further attributed his decision to move the government headquarters from Mandeng to his unfriendly relationship with the host community.

”I told your commissioner and chiefs that Wechdeng will be our state headquarters. Mandeng will not be our seat; because those local natives are showing peculiar eyes which am not aware of,” he said.

“The host natives are blaming me on why my clansmen are not active; this must be not logic,” he further added.

Sobat state Youth Acting Chairperson Andrea Ruot Char said hate speech is not a good sign.

“We are so concerned about the intention of the governor. It is an element that causes this suffering and enmity among South Sudanese communities. Talking negatively about the people who fall under your responsibility is a bad sign.”

”I appeal upon our honourable Governor to apologize for the sustainable unity of state community and take a step to combat hate speech in the state,” he requested.

The state youth union accused the governor of nepotism and serious segregative language.

However; according to anonymous sources in the towns of Mading, Ulang and Kiechkuon, elements of the White Army from the governor’s community, last month, refused to participate in Maiwut reinforcement operations.

Sobat state is an area under the control of SPLM-IO led by former Vice-President turned rebel leader Riek Machar.


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