Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

European Union welcomes the adoption of UN SC resolution 1564 on Sudan

BRUSSELS, 22 September 2004 – The European Union welcomes the adoption by the United Nations Security Council of Resolution 1564.

Resolution 1564 is an important contribution to the urgently required increased pressure on the Government of Sudan, the Justice and Equality Movement, the Sudanese Liberation Army/Movement and the Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement to reach a political solution to the conflicts in Sudan as a matter of immediate priority.

The European Union fully supports the appeal made by the Security Council on the Government of Sudan to meet its obligations towards all Sudanese and the international community. The European Union also calls on the other parties to the conflicts to fully comply with their international obligations. The European Union joins the Security Council in deploring the recent cease fire violations and stresses the urgency of ending the climate of impunity in Darfur by bringing to justice those responsible, including members of the popular defence forces and Janjaweed militia.

The European Union also welcomes the Council’s preparedness to consider taking additional measures as contemplated in Article 41 of the Charter of the United Nations, should the Government of Sudan fail to comply fully with resolution 1556 (2004) of this resolution.

The European Union attaches great importance to the establishment of an international commission of inquiry to immediately investigate all reports of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law in Darfur by all parties, to determine whether acts of genocide have occurred and to identify the perpetrators of such violations with a view to having them brought to justice.

The leadership of the African Union in the solution of the conflict in Darfur is fully recognised by the European Union. The EU will continue to provide the AU with full support for its mission in Darfur.

The European Union recognises the need for continued humanitarian assistance and will sustain its contributions in support of those affected by the conflict in Darfur.

The European Union recalls its Council Conclusions of 12 and 26 July and of 13 September and confirms its full commitment to contribute to the solution of the conflicts in Sudan as a matter of great priority.

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