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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s NCF opposition recalls its rejection for negotiated settlement

March 26, 2018 (KHARTOUM) – The opposition coalition National Consensus Forces (NCF) which gathers some left parties Monday asserted its determination to topple the regime of President Omer al-Bashir and rejected any process for a negotiated settlement with Khartoum.

Leading members of the opposition alliance National Consensus Forces, from the right Sidiq Youssef, Mohamed Dia Eldin and Abu Bakr Youssef, speak in a press conference held in Khartoum on 12 October 2015 (ST Photo)
Leading members of the opposition alliance National Consensus Forces, from the right Sidiq Youssef, Mohamed Dia Eldin and Abu Bakr Youssef, speak in a press conference held in Khartoum on 12 October 2015 (ST Photo)
The NCF has made its rejection of negotiations nine days after a statement by the Sudan Call forces announcing that they are ready for a national dialogue with the regime provided that it be held in line with the African Union-brokered roadmap agreement including the preparatory meeting on the confidence-building measures.

The consensus forces reiterated its resolve to overthrow al-Bashir’s regime through the peaceful means saying it begins with the popular uprising and culminate with the civil disobedience and the general political strike.

They further said they reject any dialogue with this regime under any pretexts.

“This regime cannot be reformed or rehabilitated and will not be changed through the dialogue because this regime is hostile to the people, its interests and the unity of the country. Also, its continuation eliminates any hope of progress in the country (and to remain) united,” stressed the statement.

In the past, the NCF was an inclusive umbrella gathering the whole Sudanese political opposition groups but gradually they diverged over the negotiations with the regime for a political solution.

The National Umma Party, and the Sudanese Congress Party as well as some small factions and civil society groups joined the armed groups and formed the Sudan Call which calls for an inclusive process leading to end the war and achieve democratic reforms.

The other groups that have remained in the NCF led by the Sudanese Communist Party maintain their rejection of a negotiated solution saying the regime has no credibility and cannot be trusted to implement any agreement it signs.

Also, they said they reject the general election in two years and vowed to topple down the regime before April 2020.

“Raising the issue of elections at this time is aimed at distracting the opposition forces and the masses from playing their role in fighting the regime,” said the statement.

Some Sudan Call parties projected a possible participation in the 2020 elections if a negotiated is reached on the basis of the African Union roadmap saying the regime lost any popular support and the opposition can defeat the regime after nearly 30 years of power.

But the NCF forces recalled their refusal for the African Union roadmap saying it is designed to pave the way for a soft landing and to legitimize the regime and exempt its leaders from all the crimes committed since “its abject coup d’état in 1989”.


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