Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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U.S. delegation in Sudan to explore positions over Renaissance Dam issue

March 26, 2018 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s Foreign Ministry Under-Secretary Abdel-Ghani al-Naim has briefed a visiting U.S. State Department delegation on the position of his government over the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project which Egypt objects.

The planned Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project (AP)
The planned Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project (AP)
The Sudanese foreign ministry spokesperson on Monday released a statement saying that a delegation led by U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of African Affairs; Eric Stromayer is visiting Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan to explore the different position over the controversial dam project.

The purpose of the regional tour is “to identify the positions of the three countries on the issue of the Renaissance Dam in order to form a neutral view that contributes to providing the necessary assistance to create a common ground that helps reach understandings and solutions satisfying all parties,” Toto said.

The difference over the construction of a new dam in Ethiopia has created tensions between Addis Ababa, Cairo and Khartoum. Also, it may revive an old border dispute between Eritrea and Ethiopia and created more troubles as the recent old accusation traded by Sudan and Eritrea over support to rebel groups.

American officials fear that an escalation between its allies in the region added to the situation in the Gulf region may affect their relations with allies in the region, and it is better to anticipate and take a preventive action.

According to the statement, al-Naim reiterated Sudan’s support for a constructive dialogue between the three countries with a view to reaching an understanding on the issue of Renaissance Dam.

“He also stressed that the consensus between the three countries will reflect positively on the process of stability in the region,” said Toto.

The three countries agreed to resume meeting at the ministerial level, but the ongoing discussions between the members of the ruling coalition in Ethiopia pushed Addis Ababa to request a halt in the talks with the pledge to resume it very soon.


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