Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Comment on Amb Telar Ring Deng open letter to Hon Gatkuoth

By Antonio Bior Manyal

Having carefully read the Ambassador Telar Ring Deng open letter to Hon Ezekiel L Gatkuoth, here is my quick comment.

While fully agreeing with Amb Telar for the purpose of his visit to Khartoum, visiting his late father-in-law Gen. Andrew Makur Thou (RIP), while lying on a hospital bed. It is a known fact in any culture that when your family member is seriously sick anywhere, you attempt within the possible to visit him/her. It should have been quite acceptable and going without any question, that this was the purpose of Telar’s visit to Khartoum.

If that was not the case, why could Amb Telar not visit Sudan earlier? I believe the timing speaks volumes and appears to validate his (Telar) reasoning.

Observers here in Juba seem to feel that, the Honourable Minister prefers to be a source of any rumour circulating here. This does not appear to match his image and responsibilities.

I would finally recommend that it will serve no good to the person of the Hon Minister nor to the great public and the country to propagate rumours, which in turn could ignite conflict and discord in our society. Let us start to seek ways for reconciliation as peace and stability appear to be around the corner.

God bless South Sudan.

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