Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur lawyers call for international pressures to protect displaced persons

Sortoni IDPs camp has a population of 23,000, the vast majority of whom came in early 2016 when fighting started in Jebel Marrah mountains.(Photo MSF)
Sortoni IDPs camp has a population of 23,000, the vast majority of whom came in early 2016 when fighting started in Jebel Marrah mountains.(Photo MSF)

May 24, 2018 (KHARTOUM) -The Darfur Bar Association (DBA) Thursday called on the international community to press Sudanese government to abide by its commitments and to cease attacks on displaced persons in Darfur.

In a statement released on Thursday, the civil society group of Darfur lawyers strongly condemned the recent three attacks on IDPs camps in Central Darfur by the Sudanese government forces.

We “call on the international community, especially the United Nations, the Security Council, the European Union, the Troika and the United States of America, to commit the regime to respect its international commitments, to end (attacks) on the displaced and to endanger their lives and to disarm armed tribal militias,” reads a statement released by the DBA.

The group, also, called on the UNAMID to investigate into the repeated militia attacks on IDPs camps in Darfur and particularly on Khamsa Dagaig and Arbida camps and to make recommendations to the UN Security Council to hold accountable the responsible of the attacks in line with the international law.

The DBA urged the victims of the recent attacks and their affected families to lodge complaints against the perpetrators of the attacks, “who are known”.

In a statement on these attacks, UNAMID said it would collaborate with the Sudanese authorities to protect civilians and engage with them with regard to “this matter at all levels”.

The hybrid operation further said it will increase the patrols in and around the IDPs camps and will dispatch “integrated teams to verify these incidents and engage with the relevant local authorities in efforts to calm the situation and prevent further attacks”.


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