Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan Opposition Alliance says awaiting draft agreement on governance issues

Participants in Entebbe meeting pose after reaching an agreement on the power sharing on 7 July 2018.
Participants in Entebbe meeting pose after reaching an agreement on the power sharing on 7 July 2018.

July 15, 2018 (JUBA) – The South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) Sunday played down statements by government officials about the signing of an agreement on the outstanding issues in the power-sharing and governance chapter saying until now they didn’t receive the draft agreement.

South Sudanese government spokesperson and information minister Friday hinted that an agreement on the governance would be signed on Tuesday 17 July after a delay by the mediation which didn’t hand over the final draft agreement to the parties.

Reached by Sudan Tribune on Sunday evening, SSOA spokesperson Kwaje Lasu said they are still awaiting the final draft of the Entebbe proposal.

“We have not received any official communication from the mediation,” Lasu said adding “We’re not in the kitchen of KKK (Khartoum, Kiir, Kampala) group!”.

There are three outstanding issues in the governance chapter include the responsibility sharing ratio in the executive and the states; the number of states and establishment of an inclusive boundaries commission to determine the issue and the size and composition of the Legislature.

The Entebbe Proposal disadvantages the political opposition groups SSOA and OPP as it gives them three portfolios in the revised version of the proposal also, it allows them 50 seats in the transitional parliament.

Also, the political opposition groups say the proposal didn’t fix the issue of the states.


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