Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLA-IO disseminates peace agreement among fighters in S. Sudan’s Bieh

October 4, 2018 (JUBA) – The SPLM-IO Governor of Bieh State urged the fighters of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army In Opposition (SPLA-IO) to abide by the signed revitalized peace agreement and to fully ceasefire on fronts.

The SPLA-IO forces during their arrival at Masana Biira in Wau on 07, August 2017 (ST)
The SPLA-IO forces during their arrival at Masana Biira in Wau on 07, August 2017 (ST)
The SPLA-IO held a three-day meeting for the senior military officers in Bieh state in the Greater Upper Nile region to disseminate the peace agreement ahead of the implementation of the security arrangements on 12 October.

The conference was officially opened by the SPLM-IO State Governor Brig. Gen. Simon H Duol Bol and Rt. moderator Gabriel Gatluak Chol on Monday the first of October, said John Daniel Bol the Secretary of Information Bieh State.

“In his closing remarks Governor Chol told the SPLA-IO commander in the state and military officers to observe the permanent ceasefire in their controlled areas in Bieh state and to open the humanitarian corridors, “Bol said in a statement extended to Sudan Tribune.

Further, he directed to protect civilians and create conducive conditions for the safe and voluntary return and, resettlement of refugees and displaced people to their areas of origins.

The commander of SPLA-IO Sector Three Lt. Gen. Thomas Manor Dhol, on Monday, said the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the key issues pertaining the revitalized Peace agreement which was inked in the Ethiopian capital Addis Abba on 12/09/2018.

In line with the revitalized peace pact, the parties have to brief their troops about the peace agreement and to encourage them to reconcile with the others who are now their peace partners.


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