Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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NAS denies attacking SPLM-IO in South Sudan’s Yei River State

UNMISS peacekeepers patrols Yei Town on 25 January 2018 (photo UNMISS)
UNMISS peacekeepers patrols Yei Town on 25 January 2018 (photo UNMISS)

October 16, 2018 (JUBA) – The National Salvation Front (NAS) led by Gen Thomas Cirilo Swaka Tuesday dismissed accusations of attacking the SPLA-IO positions in Yei River State saying its fighters acted in self-defence.

In a statement issued Monday SPLM-IO Deputy Spokesperson Lam Paul Gabriel said NAS fighters killed 17 civilians in two attacks on their positions in Minyori and Logo of Yei River State.

However, NAS Spokesperson Suba Samuel Manase said his group which rejected the revitalized peace agreement is fully committed to the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement of 21 December 2017.

“On I4th October 2018, SPLM-IO under the command of Col Gadi attacked NAS small patrolling contingency force in Minyori Boma of Yei County,” Manase said in a statement released on Tuesday.

“As a result, NAS force responded in self-defence and pursued the SPLA-IO bandits into their operational base in disarray,” he stressed.

The African Union Peace and Security Council on Monday issued a statement about the outcome of a meeting held on 10 October about the situation in South Sudan.

The Council called on the parties to not resort to violence.

The Council ”Appeals to all the parties to the conflict to cease all acts of violence in South Sudan and respect for the signed Revitalized Agreement and to remain committed to the peaceful resolution of the conflict”.


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