Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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PDM distances itself from ongoing rift in South Sudan opposition alliance

Hakim Dario, PDM leader
Hakim Dario, PDM leader

December 6, 2018 (JUBA) – The People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) distanced itself from the ongoing rift within the South Sudan Opposition Alliance and denounced fraudulent involvement of its name in this matter.

“PDM would like to condemn the fraudulent use of PDM’s good name by both Ms Josephine Lagu Yanga and Mr Anas Richard Zanga, the duo are not members of PDM and are not known to be registered members of PDM,” said Hakim Dario the PDM leader in a statement to Sudan Tribune on Thursday.

The PDM is one of several groups that rejected the signing of the Revitalized Peace Agreement and split from the SSOA under the leadership of Gabriel Changson.

Now, the former SSOA holdout factions including, the PDM, formed a new umbrella called the South Sudan National Democratic Alliance (SSNDA).

Dario recalled that Josephine Lagu was expelled from PDM before R-ARCSS was signed on 12th September 2018 while Anas Richard Zanga was never known to be a member of PDM, he said.

“The public should know that these individuals are fraudulent, masquerading as PDM factions, brought on as convenient substitutes by Mr Gabriel Changson and Dr Lam Akol, promising them with R-ARCSS government positions for their support to R-ARCSS of which PDM is not a signatory”.


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