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Sudan Tribune

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Ethnic Murle politicians say enough to cattle raiding

December 27, 2018 (JUBA) – Murle political leaders in Buma state have vowed to end the practice of cattle raiding and child abduction by individuals in the community.

Jodi Jonglei, who is also the state speaker, announced the move on the festive season during the Christmas festive season.

We don’t want the issue of cattle raiding, killing and child abduction to happen in our area again, not just as the government – but as political leaders of Murle in Buma State in Pibor or in Juba here.”

“Those coming to Juba here from Pibor to sell their cows always when they are going back, they abduct children of other people according to Eye Radio.

Community Empowerment for Progress Organization strongly welcomes and congratulates the position of the Buma State political leaders. It is a remarkable decision that requires real seriousness for actualizing it into reality.

Cattle raid and revenge attacks stand as the second major factor in the country that leads to loss of human lives in big number and destruction of properties at large scale annually across the country since the independence of South Sudan.

Watching at cattle raiding without a proper state policy for addressing, it is a clear demonstration of reluctance and careless of political leaders in finding a lasting state-driven solution.

Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO said the move of the Buma state political leaders for declaring no more cattle raiding is encouraging and deserve support for translating those political leaders’ decision for enough to cattle raiding into policy with clear actions that contributes for minimization cattle raiding in short-term and stoppage in long term. CEPO will take lead in taking further steps for supporting the decision for “enough to cattle raiding”.

Among the steps CEPO will undertake is declaring a campaign called “Enough to Cattle Raiding” which will be kick-off in Buma state on 20th February 2019.

Also, Right Honour Speaker, Jodi Jonglei of Buma State Parliament will be declared as “CEPO First Ambassador for Enough to Cattle Raiding-2019,” Yakani stressed.

CEPO is calling upon the leadership of Buma State at their capacities to take their made decisions serious and set it as an example for the rest of the other states where their communities are engaged in deadly cattle raiding.

CEPO will take lead in mobilizing funds and other forms of support for making the made decision of Buma State on “Enough to Cattle Raiding” to be real and as a new state of movement for no more deaths and destruction of properties due to cattle raiding. CEPO is aware that it is not an easy task but all positive records in history starts with hard decision.

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