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Sudan Tribune

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Afworki hails ??Eritrean-Kuwaiti relations

Isayas_Afewerki.jpgKUWAIT, Oct 4, 2004 (KUNA) — President of Eritrea Isaias Afworki commended the ‏‏Eritrean-Kuwaiti relations, saying that they are based on historic background ‏‏dating back 40 years.‏

‏In a press conference held at Bayan Palace Monday, the president said that ‏‏”Kuwait has supported Eritrea’s right to determine own fate at international ‏‏conventions since the beginning of the armed conflict in 1961 up to its ‏‏independence in 1990.”‏

‏”Kuwait’s support has continued at different levels, including ‏‏developmental and investment projects,” he continued.‏

He noted that the aim of his visit is “to consolidate strategic relations ‏‏and effective cooperation between the two sides so as to create a suitable ‏‏atmosphere for investment, development and trade between the two countries.”‏

‏The Eritrean President went on to say that there are several development ‏‏and infrastructure projects underway in cooperation with the Kuwait Fund for ‏‏Arab Economic Development (KFAED) and others still being studied, as well as ‏‏relations with the Kuwaiti Chamber of Commerce and Industry.‏

‏Despite the small size of Eritrea and the poverty it suffers, Afworki said ‏‏that what has been achieved over the last ten years is greater than any ‏‏achievement made by other African countries.‏

‏”The government is currently seeking to provide the necessary ‏‏infrastructure to create an attracting atmosphere for investors,” he said.‏

‏The number of KFAED loans to Eritrea number four at a total cost of KD 20.8 ‏‏million, as well a grant of KD 298,000.

In response to a question regarding accusations that Eritrea ‏‏interferes in the internal affairs of Sudan, Yemen and Ethiopia, and trains ‏‏and houses insurgents, Afworki said, “These countries must resolve their ‏‏internal affairs without exporting them abroad.”‏

‏He invited the media, as well as neutral and objective bodies to visit ‏‏Eritrea to see for themselves that it is free from such opposition training ‏‏camps and Israeli bases, adding that “these camps do not exist and we receive ‏‏all of this information from the media.”‏

‏He described these accusations as “being a figment of the imagination of ‏‏many,” wondering at the same time whether the aim behind them is “to instigate ‏‏problems to cover up issues or to cause confusion?”‏

‏Regarding Eritrean-Ethiopian relations, the president said that there are ‏‏tensions due to Ethiopia’s rejection of the final and committing verdict of ‏‏the court established to resolve the conflict between the two countries, ‏‏stressing that “the issue have been settled.”‏

‏As for Eritrea’s membership in the Arab League, he said that “despite many ‏‏reservations as to the Arab League, we have reached a compromise in the form ‏‏of participating as an observing member,” adding that “there is no use in ‏‏joining the Arab League at a time when many discontent members are leaving it”.‏

On Iraq, he stressed that “there is no debate over the fact that ‏‏ousting the former Iraqi regime was the right step for achieving regional ‏‏stability, but what took place following this action is due to miscalculations ‏‏and lack of understanding as to the Iraqi nature.”‏

‏Afworki said, in his personal opinion “what is important is correcting the ‏‏mistakes that have taken place and not whether or not the elections are held ‏‏on time,” adding that “the elections should not be looked at in terms of ‏‏timing, as it is a matter of transition for the return of stability to Iraq.”‏

‏The Eritrean President Isaias Afworki had arrived in Kuwait on Saturday on ‏‏a four-day visit during which he met with the Representative of His Highness ‏‏the Amir, His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, as ‏‏well as the Minister of Energy Sheikh Ahmad Fahd Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.‏

‏He also met with Acting Director-General of KFAED Abdul-Wahab Al-Bader, ‏‏Board Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ali Thnayan Al-Ghanim ‏‏and the acting chairman of the parliamentary foreign affairs committee MP ‏‏Marzouk Al-Hubaini.

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