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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

International envoys understand opposition’s stance on talks with government: Arman

March 24, 2019 (PARIS) – The international envoys to Sudan understand the position of Sudan Call from the negotiations with the Sudanese government, said Yasir Arman, the foreign relations official of the opposition alliance on Saturday.

SPLM-N Secretary General, Yasir Arman (File photo/Purtizler Center)
SPLM-N Secretary General, Yasir Arman (File photo/Purtizler Center)
The Sudan Call decided last Wednesday to withdraw from the roadmap for peace and democratic reforms and the armed groups engaged in a peace process with the government also decided to end the political talks.

By doing so, the opposition alliance aligned its stance with the other forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change that call for al-Bashir to step down.

Last Wednesday, following the final communiqué of their meeting in Paris and the cancellation of the African Union-brokered framework agreement of August 2016, the Troika countries envoys, including The U.S the UK and Norway, the French and EU special envoys for Sudan held a meeting with the opposition to brief them about the outcome of the meeting.

Asked by Sudan Tribune about their position from the shift registered by the alliance from the political process, the foreign relations official described the meeting as positive.

“They were understanding of our view on the need to find a new policy to deal with the Sudanese crisis, he said before to add they were interested in issues of violations of human rights and will hold further meetings in the future.”

The decision of the Sudan Call to relinquish the roadmap agreement was welcomed by the Declaration Freedom and Changes forces including the National Consensus Forces, the Sudanese Professionals Association and the Unionists in Opposition.

Arman pointed to the importance of Troika countries, France, the European Union and others in the “future of building new transitional arrangements in Sudan and later after the success of the revolution.”

“We have made clear to them that relations will not be based on ideology but Sudan’s real interests,” he said. “Also, we have made it clear that the departure of al-Bashir and his regime provide a new opportunity to normalize with the international community.

“His departure, also, gives a chance to millions of internally displaced persons and refugees return to their areas,” he stressed.


Arman said the opposition forces are preparing to escalate the resistance in the coming days, with the establishment of a broad front that presents itself as an alternative to the regime of President Omer al-Bashir.

“There is no negotiation but its downfall and nothing to do with the regime. The opposition will prepare for further escalation and unity among its ranks,” he said.

We will build a front for freedom, change and citizenship without discrimination that will be an alternative to the regime,” he stressed.

The opposition official said the anniversary of the April 6 revolution would “see increased resistance” with the participation of thousands of Sudanese from the other states as they come to the capital to revive it.

He said that the Presidential Council of the appeal of Sudan is in the process of developing its initiative to expand the opposition front to political forces.

He asserted that the new front does not mean the cancellation of the existing alliances but its consolidation, as it takes into account the political changes and includes the widest spectrum of groups and individuals with the active participation of women and youth.


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