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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan security killed two opponents: UN report

Dong Samuel Luak, and Aggrey Idris (photo Amnesty)
Dong Samuel Luak, and Aggrey Idris (photo Amnesty)

May 1, 2019 (JUBA) – South Sudan security service killed two opposition activists after kidnapping them in Kenya in January 2017 said, a report by UN panel of experts.

Aggry Iddri, SPLM(IO) National Committee Chairperson of Humanitarian Affairs and Dong Samuel, Human Rights activist disappeared in Nairobi after their kidnapping by South Sudan on 23 and 24 January 2017, respectively.

After, the signing of the revitalized peace agreement, Juba released several political detainees but denied knowing anything about the whereabouts of Iddri and Samuel.

However, in a report released on Tuesday, the Panel of South Sudan experts said both were kidnapped by the National Security Service and transported to Juba on 27 January 2017.

“Aggrey Idri and Dong Samuel Luak were executed by Internal Security Bureau agents at the Luri facility on 30 January 2017, on orders from the commander of the National Security Service training and detention facilities in Luri, the Commander of the National Security Service Central Division and, ultimately, Lieutenant General Akol Koor Kuc,” reads the report.

Reacting to the report SPLM-IO leader Riek Machar condemned the “barbaric act and called on the government to bring to book all those who participated in committing this act of terror”.

Machar further requested the Kenyan government to take measures against the Kenyan collaborators on this crime.

In addition, he requested the UN Security Council to refer the case to the International Criminal Court (ICC), adding they will take it to the Court of Justice of the African Union and renewed call to establish the hybrid court of South Sudan.

In a joint statement, Amnesty and Human Rights Watch called on the government in Juba to launch “an independent and effective investigation on the murder of the two victims”.

“The UN experts panel’s finding that Dong and Aggrey were most likely murdered days after their abduction while family and friends were stonewalled by Kenyan and South Sudanese authorities shows shocking cruelty,” said Jehanne Henry, associate Africa director at Human Rights Watch.


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