Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese Communist Party calls to continue struggle for civil authority

Sudanese Communist Party announces withdrawal from power transfer talks on 31 August 2019 (ST photo)
Sudanese Communist Party announces withdrawal from power transfer talks on 31 August 2019 (ST photo)

August 3, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) on Saturday rejected the agreement on the constitutional document between the Transitional Military Council and the Forces for Freedom and Change and called to keep up popular pressure on the junta.

Reacting last Wednesday to the progress achieved in the talks between the opposition coalition and the Council; the Communist Party announced its Withdrawal from the negotiations and stressed that the remnants of al-Bashir’s regime should fully hand over power and go.

On Saturday as the parties are finalizing the agreement on the Constitutional Declaration, the SCP called to release the full text of the deal and said that they welcome any agreement that establishes a democracy, peace and a democratic civil state and the national sovereignty, as provided in the Declaration for Freedom and Change.

“What was transpired from the press conference (on Saturday morning) held by the Forces for Freedom and Change, go against the civil state which is the demand of the masses, and the decision of the African Union to hand over power to civilians. the agreement devoted the dominance of the military,” said the left party.

“Therefore, our party emphasizes its rejection of the agreement which does not help in the establishment of a democratic civil government,” further said the statement before to call “to continue the escalation in various forms (…) until the general strike and civil disobedience”.

The Sudanese opposition groups regretted the SCP’s decision to withdraw from the negotiations and called to resume its full activities with the coalition as it remains a member of the FFC.

They believe that negotiations with the military junta are the only valid option to avoid civil war and to achieve a smooth transition towards a democratic regime.

Sadiq al-Mahdi the leader of the National Umma Party, on Wednesday, criticized the Communist party without naming it. when he spoke about opposition forces that take decisions only to building popular support and disregard solutions that pave the ways for a sustainable solution for the current crisis in Sudan.

According to the power-sharing deal reached ruling military council and the opposition groups five of eleven members of the Sovereign Council will be named by the military council. Also, one of them will chair the collective presidency for 21 months of the 39-month transitional period. Also, they will nominate the defence and interior ministers in the transitional government.


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