Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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U.S. senior official to discuss democratic transition with Sudanese leaders

August 5, 2019 (KHARTUM) – U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale will visit Khartoum on Wednesday for talks on the democratic transition in Sudan with the leaders of the Transitional Military Council and the Forces of Freedom and Change.

David Hale US undersecretary for political affairs in Somalia on 5 August 2019 (Photo Somali Govt)
David Hale US undersecretary for political affairs in Somalia on 5 August 2019 (Photo Somali Govt)
Hale’s visit to Sudan is part of a regional tour including Kenya, Somalia and Sudan from 5 to 7 August.

“His trip will advance America’s commitment to peace and security in the Horn of Africa and commercial interests in the region,” said the State Department on Monday.

The visiting State Department senior official, besides the TMC and the FFC, will also meet with civil society actors, including women and youth, who were in the forefront demanding change in Sudan.

“He will encourage full and timely implementation of the agreements reached on July 17, and August 4, to create a civilian-led transitional government and underscore our expectation that the transitional government will reflect the will of the Sudanese people,” said the State Department.

Hale’s visit to Khartoum shows Washington’s determination to bring the military junta and political forces to work together for a successful democratic change in Sudan.

Trump administration sought to mobilize international and regional support to ensure smooth in Sudan and to prevent any external interference that might encourage the military council to not transfer power to a civilian government.

John Bolton Assistant to the U.S. President for National Security Affairs on Sunday welcomed the initialization of an agreement on a constitutional declaration by the TMC and the FFC.

“Great that Sudanese parties have made significant progress toward a constitutional declaration. The Sudanese people have struggled for a civilian-led transitional government and this agreement needs to deliver on the demands of the Sudanese people,” he said.

The declaration, which will serve as a transitional constitution for three years, gives the military council the chairmanship of a Souverain Council for 21 months with a majority of civilians.

Also, the civilian technocratic government includes tow military for the defence and interior ministries. While the opposition will control the transitional legislative assembly with the majority of two-thirds.

However, the armed groups of the Sudanese Revolutionary Forces criticized the deal because it did not include their demand to review the constitutional agreement and o add seats in the collegial presidency and the government for their representative.


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