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Sudan Tribune

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Hamdok, FFC leaders discuss formation of Sudan’s transitional government

Sudan's PM Abdallah Hamdok with NUP leader Sadiq al-Mahdi on 22 August 2019 (ST photo)
Sudan’s PM Abdallah Hamdok with NUP leader Sadiq al-Mahdi on 22 August 2019 (ST photo)

August 22, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s new prime minister, Abdallah Hamdok, on Thursday met with the leaders of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) to discuss the formation of his technocrats ministers.

Hamdok who was sworn in on Wednesday has to form his 20-minister government before 28 August.

Following the meeting, Hamdok said he began “preliminary consultations” to form the forthcoming government.

He added that the selection of ministers will be based on the criteria of competence and ability to make change pointing that he would take into account the principles set by the Sudanese revolutionary forces.

The closed-door meeting discussed the step to be taken during the next stage, the country’s economic situation and new policies. Also, it discussed the issue of peace, as a priority for the first six months.

Besides Sadiq al-Mahdi, the meeting was attended by Siddiq Youssif, Omer al-Digair, Mariam al-Mahdi and other FFC representatives.

After taking the oath of office on Wednesday, Hamdok said he wants to be the prime minister of all the Sudanese.

Also, he said his selection of ministers will not be restricted to the list made by the FFC committees but he would discuss it with them if he feels their profile does not fit with what he seeks for his cabinet.

For his part, al-Mahdi stressed that the forces of the revolution will support the new government, to achieve the objectives that the Sudanese people yearn for the renaissance and prosperity without exclusion for any party.

Further, he called on the government to achieve transitional justice and accountability for the corrupt and those responsible for crimes committed against the people.

Hamdok who was picked by the FFC forces on Wednesday said his programme will be based on the slogan of the revolution Freedom, Peace and Justice.

Later on Thursday, the new prime minister met with the families of the martyrs at the premises of the Sudanese Professionals Association.

He also held a meeting at the Presidential Palace, with the undersecretaries of the different ministries and expressed his appreciation for their efforts during the last four months as they were tasked with the daily management of the government.

He agreed with them to hold another meeting next Sunday.


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