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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese Islamists deny resorting to violence as they plan for protests

PCP Consultative Council members arrested by the army after an attack by angry youth on their meeting on 27 April 2019 (ST Photo)
PCP Consultative Council members arrested by the army after an attack by angry youth on their meeting on 27 April 2019 (ST Photo)

October 5, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – A leading member of the Sudanese Islamist Popular Congress Party (PCP) on Saturday denied accusations of preparing sabotage operations in the country, saying they adhere to peaceful opposition.

Already one month after its formation, Haldok’s government is criticised by the Sudanese Islamists who started to reorganize themselves hoping to mobilize the street against the Forces for Freedom and Change after their exclusion from the upcoming formation the transitional parliament.

Islamists activists launched calls on social media for a national protest calling to overthrow the forces of freedom and change, and to form a new government.

The anti-FFC’s campaign in the social media calls to start with protests in the neighbourhoods before to hold demonstrations at in the big town and to move 21 October towards the army headquarters in Khartoum to demand the military to remove Hamdok’s government.

Ammar Alsjad, a PCP leading member, however, dismissed claims they plan to carry out sabotage actions or to disturb the public order.

He told Sudan Tribune that the national and Islamic forces have given the FFC, an “adequate opportunity”, but now they will “work to correct the course of the revolution”.

The Sudanese Professionals Association is a “gelatinous” body, and that the Forces for Freedom and Change, is formed of heterogeneous components,” he further said.

“We want to fully support Hamdok, and his mandate, away from the Forces for Freedom and Change and the Sudanese Professionals,” he said.

The FFC which led the 4-month protests that led to the collapse of al-Bashir regime refuses the participation in the transitional parliament of the PCP and other groups like the Reform Now Movement (RNM) of Ghazi Salah al-Din that supported the government of Omer al-Bashir.

In the same vein, the RNM political secretary, Osama Tawfiq, told Sudan Tribune Saturday that the national and Islamic forces will exercise “rational opposition, without resorting to violence”.

He said that the FFC leaders lagged about the formation of the investigation committee on the killing of the protesters and grave human rights violations during the raid on the protest site in June 2019 and “falsified” the constitutional document.

“The government of the transitional period, will not last more than 6 months, especially if it resorted to lifting subsidies on fuel, flour, and other basic commodities,” he added.

The PCP and the RNM were part of the National Congress Party of Omer al-Bashir but broke away following divergences with the al-Bashir faction. However, they joined the National Dialogue Process he launched and participated in his government despite the lack of desired reforms saying they want to preserve the Islamic laws in Sudan.

During the political crisis after the 3-June attack on the protesters, the PCP and other Islamist forces expressed readiness to work with the Transitional Military Council and called to be represented in a military-led government before the general elections.


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