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Sudan Tribune

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SLM’s Nur calls for peace conference inside Sudan

SLM leader Abdel Wahid al-Nur speaks in a meeting organized in Paris on 11 Nov 2017 (ST Photo)
SLM leader Abdel Wahid al-Nur speaks in a meeting organized in Paris on 11 Nov 2017 (ST Photo)

December 25, 2019 – Abdel Wahid Mohamed al-Nur, the head of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-AW) on Wednesday called to discuss Sudan’s issues in one forum inside the country, hinting a tacit rejection for the ongoing peace talks in Juba.

Al-Nur made his call for a comprehensive process inside the country, during a speech via “Skype”, in an event held to mark the first anniversary of the December Revolution in Khartoum, attended by the Prime Minister, his cabinet members and leaders of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC).

He said he wanted a comprehensive solution to the Sudanese crisis, away from the quotas of positions. He further described those who call for a power-sharing as “the first enemy of the people”, alluding to the armed groups negotiating with the government in Juba.

“Time has come for peace” and “We are the most desirable people for peace, we want a true peace that generates a sense of belonging to this country, peace that realizes the rights of civilians,” he said.

Al-Nur refused to take part in the Juba mediated peace process saying that the transitional government has no legitimacy to lead the country, adding that the military and the political forces have stolen the revolution.

He said he accepted to address the event upon an invitation from the Resistance Committees of the revolution.

“I call on you to unite in our causes and to make peace in Darfur, Kordofan, the Blue Nile, the Nuba Mountains, north and east Sudan as one issue, The same thing for the state of citizenship, issues of religious freedom and women’s rights. All these issues should be solved in one forum,” he said directing his words to the youth.

He went further to renew his call for a new government formed by independent figures known for their opposition to the former regime and without the grip of the military.

Al-Nur raised al-Bashir handover to the ICC saying it should be a national issue unanimously agreed by the Sudanese to avoid its repetition in the future.

This was the first time for al-Nur to address an open public meeting attended by the government officials.

The former government had banned the participation of rebel leaders in public events or to interview them in the local press.


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