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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM-N al-Hilu suspends Sudan peace talks for consultations over secular state

Mediator Tut Gatluak announces the suspension of the peace talks surrounded chief negotiators on 26 December 2019 (Photo Sovereign Council)
Mediator Tut Gatluak announces the suspension of the peace talks surrounded chief negotiators on 26 December 2019 (Photo Sovereign Council)

December 26, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – South Sudan mediators Thursday have suspended the stalled talks for peace in Sudan’s Two Areas on the request of the SPLM-N Abdel-Aziz al-Hilu.

Presidential adviser and head of the mediation team, Tut Kew Gatluak told reporters in Juba that the negotiations have been postponed for two weeks at the request of the armed group.

For his part, Mahmoud Aljack SPLM-N al-Hilu Spokesman confirmed the two-week pause saying they need to hold extensive consultations with the grassroots institutions over lack of progress on the secular state and right of self-determination.

“During the last round of talks, the SPLM-N delegation made a proposal providing to separate religion from the state, with the right of self-determination for the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions to determine their political future, including full independence, through a popular referendum,” said Aljak.

“In return, the transitional government delegation rejected the inclusion of secularism (of the state) explicitly,” he added.

The government and the SPLM-N al-Hilu are negotiating a declaration of principles before to engage in direct negotiations.

Sudanese transitional government propose to discuss the place of religion in the state during a constitutional conference including all the political forces.

The SPLM-N split in two factions over the issue of self-determination for the Two Areas in 2017. The other group led by Malik Agar calls for a large regional autonomy.

Aljack said they are determined to reach an agreement that addresses the root cause of the Sudanese crisis, stressing that the secular state is the only guarantee for the unity of what remains of the country.


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