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Sudan Tribune

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ICC wanted Kushayb fled to Central African Republic: report

February 22, 2020 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese official sources revealed on Saturday that Ali Kushayb, one of five Sudanese indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), had fled to the Central African Republic after an agreement between the transitional government and the armed groups to hand them over to the war crimes tribunal.

Ali Kushayb
Ali Kushayb
According to Darfur 24, Kushayb crossed the border to the CAR Africa, adding he and dozens of armed tribesmen travelled in two four-wheel vehicles, and cars loaded with fuel.

The official expressed fears that the fugitive who is from Al-Taisha tribe launch a new rebellion in Darfur.

An activist from Um Dafouk said that Kushayb had been during the past weeks in Badia area, northwest of the city, and used to come Um Dafouk market but he disappeared last week.

Um Dafouk is located on the border area between Sudan and the CAR in the state of South Darfur, at 370 km west of Nyala.

Kushayb is charged with war crimes against civilians in Darfur during 2003 and 2004. He is accused of ordering killings, rapes, and looting. An ICC arrest warrant was issued for him on April 27, 2007.

The ICC calls on the Sudanese transitional to hand over the deposed president Omer al-Bashir, his former interior state-minister Ahmed Haroun, his former defence minister Abdel Rahim Hussein and militia leaders Ali Kushayb and Abdallah Banda.

Sudanese government still has to launch the handover procedures to the ICC. Information minister Faisal Mohamed Saleh denied last Tuesday the arrival of an ICC delegation to discuss their handover.


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