Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan dismisses chief justice, accepts Attorney General’s resignation

May 17, 2021 (KHARTOUM – The Sovereign Council in Sudan dismissed the Chief Justice, Neimat Mohamed Abdallah, and accepted the resignation of Attorney General Taj-Elsir El-Hebir.

Al-Hebir Taj-Elsir (AA photo)
Al-Hebir Taj-Elsir (AA photo)
The two decisions were announced on Monday after a regular meeting of the collegial presidency chaired by the Council deputy’s head Mohamed Hamdan Daglo “Hemetti”.

The Sovereign Council member and Spokesman Mohamed al-Faki said the meeting decided to relieve Abdallah from her position as the chief justice.

He added that the Attorney General had several times submitted his resignation, but this last time he was more insistent on determination to quit the post office.

Earlier this month, al-Hebir recently protested to the Sovereign Council about the decisions of the decision of former regime Removal Committee, to sack several prosecutors accused of being close to the former regime.

He said the decision to dismiss them had been made without consulting him.

It is not clear why the chief justice was removed but it had been criticized for delaying several important reforms.


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