Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Press Release: Islamic African Relief Agency denies U.S. accusations of terror ties

KHARTOUM, Oct 30, 2004 (SUNA) — Following the Sudan News Agency publishes text of press release issued by Islamic African Relief Agency:- “The Islamic African Relief Agency would like to clarify the followings:-

1. The Islamic African Relief Agency categorically rejects the baseless, serious allegations made by U.S.A. government against I.A.R.A. and some of its senior staff.

2. The Islamic African Relief Agency is proceeding through appropriate legal means to challenge this defaming and destructive accusation made against it.

3. The Islamic African Relief Agency appeals to all humanitarian N.G.Os to take serious notice of this incidence which is considered as a gross political interference against humanitarian non political activities.

4. The Islamic African Relief Agency (I.A.R.A.) is an international humanitarian voluntary non-governmental organization established in 1981 with Head – Quarter in Khartoum, Sudan working in relief and other humanitarian activities according to the humanitarian principles. It is in consultative status with the U.N Social and Economic Council and also a member of International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) Geneva since 1984. IARA is coordinating closely with all UN Agencies e.g. WHO, WFP, FAO,UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR? and other international organizations working in voluntary humanitarian area providing services to the needy and those in distress regardless of their believes, colour or race. I.A.R.A. has been running its programmes successfully all through out.

5. I.A.R.A as an international N.G.O is considered to be one of the largest N.G.Os; in Africa and the Middle East. Right now I.A.R.A is running a huge relief operation in Darfur- Sudan which is well coordinated with U.N. Agencies and other humanitarian organizations.

6. The mode of operation for I.A.R.A is always partnership, cooperation, coordination and transparency with the donors and all humanitarian players in the field and thus has strong working relations with them. I.A.R.A. is known for its strict adherence to the rules and regulations of the countries it operates in.

7. The Islamic American Relief Agency mentioned in the announcement is an independent N.G.O established in USA under the American laws and run by American citizens. It is not a branch of the Islamic African Relief Agency.

8. IARA has NO representative NOR office in Ireland.

9. I.A.R.A. will carry on its activities and assure the beneficiaries that it will continue its efforts towards their relief.”

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