Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan must end violence in Darfur or face UN action: Blair

LONDON, Nov 8, 2004 (AP) — U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair said Monday that the Sudanese government must end the violence in Darfur or face possible action by the U.N.

blair_in_khartoum.jpg“There is a whole series of measures that have now been laid down for the Sudanese government to follow,” Blair told the House of Commons. “If they don’t follow them, there has to be a reference to the Security Council and necessary measures taken.”

Blair said it was important the African Union, monitoring a shaky cease-fire between the Sudanese government and two rebel groups in the western region of Darfur, also be allowed to act as peacekeepers.

“I think the important thing … is that the African Union not merely increases the number of troops that they have available there, but makes it clear that these troops if possible are able actually to keep the peace as well as simply to simply monitor what is happening there.”

Blair said it was important the two rebel groups “exercise restraint.”

The Sudanese government is accused of backing Arab militiamen called the Janjaweed in a campaign of violence – including rapes, killings and the burning of villages – to help put down the rebels, who mostly are non-Arab Africans. The government denies backing the militias.

International agencies estimate that, since March, disease, malnutrition and clashes among those made homeless by the violence have killed more than 70,000 of Darfur’s displaced. Many more have been killed in fighting since the conflict broke out in February 2003, although no firm estimate of the direct toll of the war yet exists.

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