Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan accuses Darfur rebels of killing Nigerian pilgrims

ABUJA, Nigeria, Nov 10, 2004 (PANA) — Barely 24 hours after parties at theDarfur talks here endorsed protocols to enhance humanitarian assistance and security in the troubled Sudanese region, Sudan’s embassy in Nigeria has accused rebels of killing seven Nigerian Muslim pilgrims during their passage through the region to Saudi Arabia for Islamic prayers.


SLA rebels enter a village in the desert east of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state November 8, 2004. (Reuters).

“Darfur rebels attacked a convoy of Nigerian pilgrims as it drove across Darfur killing seven people, wounding eight others and looting property on Tuesday, November 2 in Khortwaila area southof Elfasher city.

Sudanese army hurried to rescue the pilgrims
and captured two rebels at the scene,” the embassy said in astatement issued Wednesday.

The attack was said to be the fourth in the last two weeks
targeting Nigerian Muslim pilgrims in the Darfur region.

Nigerian Muslim pilgrims have for centuries travelled through
Sudan to Mecca.

The statement also accused the rebels of committing “several
atrocities against civilians in the area where they have abducted
18 people from a bus traveling between Nyala and Zalingi in South
Darfur and buried them alive last week.”

The rebels were also indicted in the reported killing of the
deputy commissioner of Kutum province in North Darfur as well as
numerous attacks on civilians and the looting of property.

“All these atrocities and violations committed by the rebels are
verified by the AU monitors in the area. We deplore these
horrendous criminal acts committed by the rebels who became
bandits or armed robbers terrifying innocent civilians and
looting their properties,” the statement concluded.

Nigeria’s foreign minister Olu Adeniji however said the Nigerian
government was yet to receive the report of the attacks.

“We are trying to confirm the report but we don’t yet have
anything firm yet. We need to establish details of the incidents
before we can react,” he said.

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