Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese opposition alliance sends a special envoy to Council meetings

Al_Merghani.jpgLONDON, Nov 18, 2004 — The Sudanese National Democratic Alliance (NDA) Chairman Mohamed Osman Elmerghani sent Mr. Adil Seed Ahmed Abd al-Hadi as NDA’s special envoy to coordinate with the NDA partner, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) issues regarding the UN Security Council’s exceptional meeting in Nairobi today.

The Council’s meeting aims to expedite a final agreement on peace between the Sudanese government and the SPLM.

“With a clearly defined mission by the NDA Chairman,” Abd al-Hadi said his mission “aims to convey, in coordination with the SPLM, the NDA’s vision for a comprehensive settlement of the Sudan’s Crisis.”

“The NDA calls on the Security Council to adopt the comprehensive peace and democratic transition in Sudan, and to support the Sudanese efforts in this regard,” affirmed Abd al-Hadi.

The NDA envoy announced that “Elmerghani strongly called on the Security Council to unify the ongoing peace talks in Nairobi, Cairo, and Abuja. Elmerghani further urged the Council to support the convening of all Sudanese National Conference to achieve the legitimate aspirations of the whole nation.”

From his part, the NDA spokesperson Hatim El-Sir Ali said that the Security Council’s meeting in Nairobi “indicates the significance of the peace process in Sudan which is highly recognized by the influential powers of the world.”

Hatim held that the Council’s meeting “is a rare chance for the Sudanese peace partners to move decisively in the path of peace and democratic transition towards the comprehensive settlement of the country’s crisis.”

Calling on the Sudan Government to take this opportunity to put an end to the crisis, the NDA spokesman, however, expressed grave concerns about the government’s sincerity towards finalization of the peace agreements.

El-Sir added that “The Security Council meetings might not end with a specific time table to achieve the permanent peace. The Council’s meetings, however, would set a new stage for the peace process of Sudan.”

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