Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

AL chief praises Sudanese govt-SPLM peace deal

CAIRO, Nov 19, 2004 (Xinhua) — Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa on Friday described the document signed by Sudan and the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) as a major breakthrough, saying it will pave the way for a comprehensive peace agreement, Egyptian official MENA news agency reported.


Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa.

In statements to MENA, Moussa said the deal of ending civil war in southern Sudan will pave the way for the international community and regional organizations, like the Arab League, to boost stability and development process in Sudan.

He hoped the move will lead to a similar peace agreements between Khartoum and other rebel groups in Sudan’s western region of Darfur, where the violence flared up in 2003, killing many people so far.

The Sudanese government and rebel officials pledged to sign a final pact by Dec. 31 to end a 21-year civil war in southern Sudan before the UN Security Council at a special meeting in Africa early on Friday.

After the signing ceremony, the Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution promising political and economic support once Sudan was at peace.

In 48 years of independence, Sudan has spent 39 years on civil war. The current fighting between north and south has lasted 21 years, killing an estimated 2 million people.

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