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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

TEXT: Declaration on the conclusion of IGAD negotiations on peace in the Sudan

NAIROBI, Nov 20, 2004 — The following is the text of the Declaration on the conclusion of IGAD negotiations on peace in the Sudan made yesterday by the Sudanese Vice president Ali Osman Mohamed Taha and the Chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement John Garang before the UN Security Council in his special session held in the Kenyan capital Nairobi.

The warring parties committed themselves to complete negotiations on the two annexes on ceasefire agreement and implementation modalities so as to conclude and sign the comprehensive peace agreement no later than 31st December, 2004.

Regarding Darfur crisis the two parties acknowledge that the end on the civil war in the South is central to the settlement of a comprehensive peace in the Sudan, including Darfur region conflict.

Gigiri — Nairobi

Friday — 19th November, 2004

WHEREAS the Government of the Republic of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (the parties) reconfirmed in the Nairobi Declaration of 5th June, 2004 on the Final Phase of the IGAD led negotiations on Peace in the Sudan, their agreement on the six texts, including the Machakos Protocol as well as the texts relating to power sharing, Wealth sharing, Security Arrangements, and resolution of the conflict in southern Kordofan/Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, and Abyei Area ;

WHEREAS the parties in a joint press statement on October 16, 2004, “recommitted themselves to finalize and conclude the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in recognition that prompt completion of the peace process is essential for all the people of the Sudan as it will help in resolving all challenges facing the country” ;

ACKNOWLEDGING the progress made to date on the Security Arrangements and Ceasefire Details including the extensive work that has been accomplished in the Implementation Modalities annexes; and

DECLARING that the conclusion of the IGAD led initiative is central to a comprehensive Peace Agreement in the Sudan including the resolution of the conflict in Darfur ;

NOW HEREBY the parties affirm that the six protocols referred to in the Nairobi Declaration of 5th June, 2004, constitute and form the core Peace Agreement and therefore invite the UN Security Council in this its Nairobi sitting to pass a resolution endorsing the six protocols

FURTHER the Parties declare their commitment to expeditiously complete Negotiations on the two annexes on Ceasefire Agreement and Implementation Modalities so as to conclude and sign the Comprehensive Peace Agreement no later than 31st December, 2004″

– Hon. Yahya Hussein Babikar For the Government Of the Republic of the Sudan
– Cdr. Nhial Deng Nhial For the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-

Witnessed By:

– Lt. Gen. Lazaro K. Sumbeiywo (Rtd., On Behalf of the IGAD Envoys

– Dr. Jan Pronk, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations

In the Presence of:

– The United Nations Security Council.

– Ambassador Abdallah Baali Permanent Representative of the Algeria to the United Nations

– Ambassador Joel Adechi Permanent Representative of Benin to the United Nations

– Ambassador Heraldo Munoz Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations

– Ambassador Jean Marc de la Sabliere Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations

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