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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan govt, Darfur rebels issue joint statement from Abuja talks

ABUJA, Nigeria, Dec 21, 2004 (SUNA) — Following Sudan News Agency publishes the text of joint statement of commitment by the Sudanese parties attending the 4th round of the Inter-Sudanese peace talks:- ”

The representatives of the Government of the Sudan(GOS), the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army(SLM/A), Justice and Equality Movement(JEM) attending the 4th round of the Inter-Sudanese Peace Talks held in Abuja, Federal Republic of Nigeria, from 11 to 21 December 2004,

having reviewed the state of security in Darfur during the 4th Round of their Talks:

1 Reaffirm their commitment to seek a peaceful and negotiated solution to the problems in Darfur under the leadership of the African Union and in accordance with the letter and spirit of the humanitarian Ceasefire Agreement signed in N’djamena, Chad,on 8 April 2004, and the two protocols signed in Abuja, Nigeria, on 9Novermber, 2004;

2 In order to create a conducive environment for the next Round of Talks in Abuja, Nigeria:
– a. The Government of the Sudan(GOS) reaffirmed its stated commitment to completely stop its military operations in Darfur and to withdraw its forces to previous positions, as ascertained and agreed by the Joint Commission.
– b. The SLM/A and JEM also undertake to cease all attacks against humanitarian and commercial activities and to restrain their forces fro attacks on Government infrastructure including police posts, and also to withdraw their forces to previous positions, as ascertained and agreed by the Joint Commission.
– c. The parties request the AU to rapidly ensure the full operationization of AMIS and the strengthening of the Ceasefire Commission to enable these mechanisms to ensure effective implementation of the Humanitarian Ceasefire Agreement and the two Protocols that were signed. In this regard, the parties appeal to the countries that had pledged to contribute troops to AMIS to ensure their speedy deployment in Darfur;
– d. In order to ensure verification of the commitments taken by the parties during the 4th Round of the Talks, the Joint Commission is requested to convene as early as possible to finalize the plan to strengthen the Commission and to ensure a more proactive verification of the situation on the ground in Darfur, particularly as it relates to the location of the parties and the disarmament of the Janjaweed/armed milia;
– e. The parties undertake to return to Abuja for the next Round of Talks, on a date in January 2005, to be confirmed by the African Union, to adopt the Declaration of Principles (DoP) and to engage in the negotiations o political issues, as well as other outstanding issues;
– f. The parties express their appreciation to the Chairperson of the African Union, H.E.Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Brother Leader Muammar Ghaddafi, Leader of the Libyan Revolution, H.E. President Idriss Deby of the Republic of Chad and all other African leaders who have facilitated the efforts to bring peace to Darfur. They also express appreciation and confidence in the leadership of Mr. Alpha Oumar Konare,Chairperson of the African Union Commission and the entire African Union, as well as the UN, the EU member countries, the League of Arab States, the US,Canada and all other facilitators and observers which continue to support the AU in it deployment in Darfur and in the Talks in Abuja, Nigeria.

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