Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan final peace to be signed within days

KHARTOUM, Sudan, Dec 23, 2004 (UPI) — Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir said Thursday that a final peace agreement with southern rebels will be definitely signed within days.

Taha_garang.jpg“Sudan will enter a new historic era after the signing of a comprehensive, just and final peace agreement,” al-Bashir told a conference of police chiefs in Khartoum.

He said the Sudanese government is committed to signing final peace with the Sudan People’s Liberation Army led by John Garang before the end of December.

He also urged the police chiefs to prepare themselves for a major role in ensuring security and stability in the coming phase.

The police conference is aimed at reviewing police structure and mission in view of the clauses of the peace agreement which stipulate the decentralization of government forces.

Under the agreement three types of police forces will be formed, notably a federal police, a provincial one and a special police force for southern Sudan.

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