Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Minority tribes in South Sudan and self-determination

By Korium Tong

Jan 26, 2005 — The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the National Congress Party formerly National Islamic Front (NIF) have brought 39 years of bloody and dangerous war to end finally 9 January 2005. The agreement provided for a political self-determination for South Sudan . But what this self-determination means to the country and South Sudan itself remain for us to be debated. My article aim to explain what will self-determination mean for the Sudan and Southern Sudan as a region.

Background of the war

Politically, the SPLM/A went to war in 1983 to fight for one United and democratic Sudan that is based on a new bases. It was a national liberation movement which has opens the eyes of many of us in the marginalized areas and people of the Sudan in particular to date. It slogan was and still is known to all as Unity, Equality and Progress. But as the fight went on, in 1991 the Movement was divided into two, namely, the SPLM/A Torit faction and SPLM/A Nasir faction. SPLM/A Torit faction lead by Col. Dr. John Garang a Dinka has a national character. SPLM/A Nasir faction lead by Dr. Riek Machar a Nuer has a tribalistic and separatist character and it ask for Independent for South Sudan . Many lives were lost in South Sudan as a result of factions fighting. The leaderships of SPLM/A Nasir faction was defeated by SPLM/A Torit faction and they went and joint the oppressor government lead by Hassan al Bashir and fight against the SPLM/A lead by Col. Dr. John Garang. Dr. Riek Machar did not get much support from the other tribes in South Sudan but Col. Dr. John Garang did get much support from the South, Nuba Mountains , Southern Blue Nile and Eastern Sudan .

As the fight goes on then, the issue of the referendum for self-determination South Sudan was then adopted by SPLM/A Torit faction as strategy for reconciliation between the Nuer tribalist with the Dinka tribe at Abuja 2 peace talks in Nigeria 1992. so that was then and now peace has finally come in Sudan with a resolution to vote for South Sudan in six years and half to come. The question now is what will this self-determination means to the people of the South, especially the minority tribes if they voted YES or NO?

If “YES” Vote

In all, if the vote for self-determination happen to be YES, it will mean that the current Sudan will have two countries and therefore lost of the Sudan status in the continent as Africa ‘s biggest country. This will benefit the two so called major tribes of South Sudan , therefore all minorities tribes will be dominated by the two major tribes. By this I mean the Dinka and Nuer domination and all tribes will be their subjects. It will be yes indeed a legalization of born to rule by Dinka and Nuer by minority tribes of South Sudan . It also means that, the people in the South SAID YES, WE WANT Dinka and Nuer Aristocracy.

The Dinka and the Nuer will, then do what ever they like with the tribes in South Sudan . They will nationalize the land and non Dinka and Nuer will be their subjects. Therefore, the Dinka and the Nuer will be new masters and elites of South Sudan as it is now before the self-determination. Let those who think of self-determination be aware of the current signs of domination in the movement by this two groups.

At the moment, the SPLM/A is dominated by Dinka and Nuer and they had created so many districts and counties in their areas, than in the Nuba mountains, Southern Blue Nile and Equatorial region without sensitivity in their mind. This is a real justification of the beginning of total domination over other groups in the name of so called majority tribes in South Sudan and the people who support their dream in the drive for total domination are not seeing this. I am totally sorry for them. This issue must be debated without reservation. Should we wait then the implication will be so real after 2011.

“NO” Vote

If the people in South Sudan would vote “NO” for example, then all tribes whether small or big will be equal. Since equality under current system in the movement is not possible. It is a well known prove, Dinka and Nuer has no respect to any minority tribes in the South of Sudan. The evidence are overwhelming. Therefore, voting “NO” for self-determination will be very helpful for all tribes and ethnic groups. The SPLM will then be a party for all oppressed groups in the Sudan . Dinka and Nuer domination will not be as real as it is now. Thus, they will respects, other tribes in South Sudan as well as all will need each other. Similarly, Arab threat will die as well. In this respect, there will be a real solidarity in South Sudan which will help in the radical transformation of the whole Sudan .

SPLM leaderships

The current leaderships of the SPLM is trying to forged Unity but it fail totally to be sensitive in term of ethnic and tribal balance within its rank and file. One can only hope that, during the appointment of cabinets, MPs and commissions both at the National government and regional government level. That also has to be the same to other positions like ambassadors, first secretaries and deputies secretaries, directors and deputies, department heads and deputies etc. should the SPLM fail to address these very important political matter South Sudan will not Unite and SPLM will lost popularity among other tribes in South Sudan as well as in the other part of Sudan. Finally, it will fail to win the next coming general election.

Korium Tong is a Sudanese resetlled in New Zealand.

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