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Sudan Tribune

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Eritrean president holds talks with Sudanese opposition leader

ASMARA, Feb 4, 2005 (ERINA) — President Isaias Afwerki today met and held talks with the Chairman of the Sudanese opposition umbrella, National Democratic Alliance (NDA), Mohamed Osman al-Mirghani.


Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki (R) receives the Chairman of the Sudanese opposition National Democratic Alliance (NDA), Mohamed Osman al-Mirghani in his office, on Friday, February 4, 2005. (ERINA)..

President Isaias heard briefings from the Chairman of the NDA, Mohamed Osman al-Mirghani, on the Sudanese peace process, in general, and the current Cairo peace talks between NDA and Government of Sudan, in particular. Moreover, al-Mirghani also touched upon issues that have not yet been settled between the two sides.

Commending the existing historical and brotherly ties between the peoples of both countries, President Isaias stated that Eritrea will continue its efforts to secure a lasting comprehensive peace in Sudan.

Pointing out that peace talks between the government of Khartoum and SPLA in Nairobi, and that between NDA and Government of Khartoum in Cairo will have positive influence on the peace process of Sudan, President Isaias underlined that there are yet unsettled issue and it is not possible at the moment to declare that comprehensive peace had been reached in Sudan.

President Isaias commended the NDA and Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/SPLA) to play their due role to bring about lasting solutions to the unresolved political issues in Sudan. He also affirmed that Eritrea as usual is ready to stand on the side of the people of Sudan till lasting peace prevails in that country.

The Secretary of the ruling People’s Front for Democracy and Justice party (PFDJ), Alamin Mohammed Saeed, head of Organizational Affairs of the PFDJ, Abdella Jaber, and head of PFDJ’s Political Affairs, Yemane Gebreab, were also present at the meeting.

The NDA Leadership Council is currently conducting a meeting in Asmara in which it is assessing the peace process and determining future prospects of NDA. The SPLM/A is being represented by John Garang in the NDA meeting.

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