Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Six-year development plan launched in Sudan

KHARTOUM, Sudan, Mar 9, 2005 (PANA) — Sudan on Wednesday
officially launched a new six-year recovery and
development plan, ending yearlong preparations for
the post-war era.

Sudan’s former warring parties — the government and
the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) — in January signed a comprehensive peace agreement
to end the 21-year-old war that claimed at least two
millions lives.

The recovery plan is outlined in a document,
“Framework for Sustained Peace, Development and
Poverty Eradication in Sudan,” and is the outcome of
the Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) organised by the
UN and World Bank.

Teams led by Sudanese government and SPLM/A officials
reached consensus over the major development
challenges facing the country, and reflected the
spirit of the
historic peace agreement signed in January.

The total assessed needs through 2007 is about US$7.8
billion (US$4.3 billion for the north and US$3.5
billion for the south). Out of the total, only
US$2.66 billion is being requested from the
international community.

Sudan will contribute considerably more than the
international community towards the pro-poor recovery
programme, according to the document.

“This is not just a run-of-the-mill appeal document.
It is a statement of intent and a political
commitment on our part to be fully engaged in the
reconstruction of our country.

“Yes, we need external assistance. But we will more
than match that with our national resources,” said
Taj el Sir Mahjoub, the government’s JAM team leader.

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