Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Moi, US envoy praise Sudanese peace pact , regret Darfur

By Juliett Otieno, The Standard

NAIROBI, March 11, 2005 — Former President Moi and US ambassador William Bellamy yesterday lauded the Sudanese Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in December, last year.


Sudan’s First Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha (L) and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement leader John Garang show the signed peace accord at a ceremony in Kenya’s capital Nairobi, January 9, 2005. (Reuetrs).

The leaders, however, regretted that the achievement was being overshadowed by the Darfur crisis.

Moi is working on consolidating peace among different communities and interest groups in southern Sudan under the auspices of the Moi African Institute (MAIN).

The two met at the American Embassy where they also considered the possibility of MAIN being represented in the forthcoming Oslo Conference, where donor countries and agencies are to discuss reconstruction of Southern Sudan.

“The United States is willing to share its analysis and views with MAIN in consolidating peace in Kenya,” said Bellamy.

The envoy also promised to send a representative to the first meeting of southern Sudanese leaders to be held in Nairobi on March 28, to be chaired by Moi.

The two also reviewed the possible relocation of the Somali government from Nairobi to Mogadishu.

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