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Sudan Tribune

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UN condemnes attack on AU monitoring team in Darfur

KHARTOUM, March 30, 2005 (SUNA) — The UN Advance Mission in Sudan has condemned yesterday’s attack on the AU monitoring team near Nyala town, Southern Darfur State.


Spokesperson for the United Nations advance mission in Sudan (unamis) Radhia Achori talks to the media in Khartoum, Sudan, on Wednesday, March 30, 2005. Three african Union staffers were shot and wonded two days ago in south Darfur state of western Sudan, but Achori vowed this would not deter the African Union from carrying out its mission in the region. (AP).

During a press conference in Khartoum today, a spokeswoman for the UN representative in Sudan, Radhia Achouri, said the attack which left three members of the AU team wounded is a clear violation of the signed agreements and warrants condemnation by the international community.

She stressed that the AU team will not be cowed by the attacks and that it is capable of carrying out and complete its tasks in Sudan. During the press conference Achouri also spoke about the security and humanitarian situations in the three Darfur states.

She said that the incidents happened separately in the last few days, adding that international organizations and agencies have contacted the UN mission on how to provide protection to the displaced people in Kutum town, Northern Darfur State.

Achouri pointed out that measles disease is currently spreading in Kass town, Southern Darfur State and that 14 new cases have been discovered. Achouri said that the World Health Organization has started to immunize 700 children in the area.

Material provided by the BBC Monitoring Service.

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