Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SSUDA/SSDF Press Release on South-South Dialogue

South Sudan United alliance/South Sudan Defense Force (SSUDA/SSDF)

Press Release

April 22, 2005

The so-called South Sudanese churches, political parties and those who are searching for positions organized and have been forced by SPLM/A Dictator leader John Garang de Maboir and his brother in law Abel Alier, to pledge unconditional support of the peace accord ending a civil war and called on South Sudan nation army, the south Sudan Defense force (SSDF) to follow what brutal dictator John Garang said to them.

This move is a declaration of war on SSDF, the south Sudan United alliance (SSUDA) and its military wing the South Sudan Defense Force (SSDF) will not honor it.

SSUDA/SSDF absent:
The absence of the SSUDA/SSDF from the meeting was because Garang only wants to see SSDF leadership in the conference without its political wing, the South Sudan united Democratic Alliance (SSUDA), by many delegates, including those from the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) who alleged negatively the SSDF had been forbidden by Khartoum to attend. “None of the armed groups led by people like (militia leaders) Gabriel Tanginya and Paulino Matip and others collectively known as the Southern Sudanese Defence Forces (SSDF) came for this conference”, Pagan Amum, a member of the SPLA/M leadership council said.

The SSDF/SSUDA leaders, had decided to skip the conference because they preferred to negotiate with John Garang, and his SPLM/A face to face and SSUDA/SSDF skip the conference because was of a conspiracy on the conference.

“SSUDA/SSDF have not been denied permission to travel, but they prefer direct dialogue with the SPLA. They want their political wing to be invited to the conference, the (SSUDA) SSDF alone they are not political organizations,”

– Peter Chuol Gatluak
– SSUDA Document & Information

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