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Sudan Tribune

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Communiqué of the 51st Meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council


– 15 MAY 2006



The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its 51st meeting, held at ministerial level, on 15 May 2006, adopted the following decision on the situation in Darfur:


1. Takes note of the Report of the Chairperson of the Commission on the status of implementation of the Peace and Security Council Decision of 10 March 2006 on the situation in Darfur and the conclusion of the Abuja Peace Talks [PSC/MIN/2(LI)];

2. Welcomes and endorses the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) signed in Abuja on 5 May 2006 by the Government of National Unity (GoNU) and the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) of Minni Minawi, which paves the way for the restoration of lasting peace and security in Darfur. Council commends the courage of the GoNU and the leaders of the Movement that signed the DPA and those individuals and groups that subsequently identified themselves with the Agreement and asked to be considered as partners in its implementation. Council urges all concerned to respect their commitments and implement the agreement in good faith and without delay;

3. Pays tribute to President Olusegun Obasanjo of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and President Denis Sassou-Nguesso of the Republic of Congo, Current Chairman of the AU, for their exhaustive and tireless efforts, which helped in bringing about a successful conclusion to the Abuja Peace Talks. Council commends Salim Ahmed Salim, the Special Envoy and Chief Mediator, and his Mediation Team, for their work and sustained efforts that resulted in the signing of the DPA;

4. Expresses appreciation to the Chadian co-Mediation, the Facilitators and Observers (Nigeria, Libya, Eritrea and Egypt) and the International Partners (Canada, France, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK, the US, the EU, the League of Arab States and the UN ) for the support they extended to the AU Mediation and to the Parties;

5. Decides that the effective date for the commencement of the implementation of the DPA shall be 18.00 hours GMT on 16 May 2006;

6. Stresses the urgent need for representatives of the signatory Parties, AMIS, the Partners, including the UN, and other stakeholders, to initiate joint outreach campaigns to explain the main provisions and benefits of the DPA to the people of Darfur. In this regard, Council welcomes the statement signed by 23 tribal leaders and elders from Darfur and subsequent statements by other groups expressing their full and unconditional support for the DPA and its scrupulous implementation;

7. Requests the Commission, in liaison with the Parties and all other stakeholders, to take all necessary steps to facilitate the scrupulous implementation and follow-up of the DPA, in line with the Modalities and Mechanisms contained therein;

8. Considers that the DPA, which was the culmination of intensive deliberations and negotiations, conducted by the AU Mediation with the support of the facilitators and international Partners, represents a fair and comprehensive solution to the conflict in Darfur, addresses the legitimate demands of the Movements, and meets the aspirations of the people of Darfur. Council, therefore, is of the view that there are no legitimate grounds for any group in Darfur to use military means to achieve its goals;

9. Deeply regrets the failure of the SLM/A group led by Abdulwahid Al Nour and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) of Khalil Ibrahim to sign the DPA, despite all the efforts made by the Mediation, African Leaders and the representatives of the AU Partners present in Abuja during the final phase of the Peace Talks, and subsequent to the signing of the Agreement on 5 May 2006;

10. Urges the SLM/A group of Abdulwahid Al Nour and the JEM of Khalil Ibrahim to sign the DPA by 31 May 2006, failing which it shall consider measures, including sanctions, to be applied against the leadership and members of the concerned groups;

11. Demands that all groups in Darfur immediately commit themselves to be bound by the provisions of the DPA, in particular those relating to the Comprehensive Ceasefire, as well as relevant previous agreements. Council stresses that any act by any individual or group, including military acts on the ground and all other acts aimed at undermining the DPA, shall be considered to be inimical to the interests of the people of Darfur and an affront to the AU and the larger international community;

12. Undertakes to review regularly, in close coordination and consultation with the UN Security Council, the implementation of the DPA and to take strong and effective measures against any individual or group in Darfur that violate the Ceasefire Agreement and those who may attempt to block the implementation of the DPA, including a request to the United Nations Security Council to impose a travel ban and assets freeze, as provided for in resolution 1591 (2005);

13. Stresses the urgent need to review the current mandate of AMIS and to increase significantly its strength, particularly in light of the additional tasks to be performed by the Mission as part of the implementation of the provisions of the DPA relating to the Comprehensive Ceasefire and Final Security Arrangements;

14. Requests the Chairperson of the Commission to submit to it detailed proposals for the enhancement of AMIS in terms of additional troops and civilian police personnel, logistics and overall capacity. In the meantime, Council invites the Chairperson of the Commission to consult urgently with potential troop contributing countries, as well as with AU Partners to secure the required support;

15. Decides that, in view of the signing of the DPA, concrete steps should be taken to effect the transition from AMIS to a UN peacekeeping operation. To that end, Council urges the UN and the GoNU to engage in consultations in line with the provisions of paragraph 6 of its communiqué of 10 March 2006 and as a follow-up to the Statement PRST/2006/2 issued by the President of the United Nations Security Council on 9 May 2006, so as to ensure the commencement of the UN operation in Darfur at the earliest possible time;

16. Reaffirms its commitment to the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Republic of the Sudan and its determination to work very closely with the GoNU to ensure that peace, security and reconciliation take place throughout Sudan;

17. Encourages the Committee of Heads of State and Government, referred to in paragraph 7 of its decision of 10 March 2006, to remain seized with the matter and continues to assist in the implementation of the DPA;

18. Expresses deep concern at the precarious financial situation facing AMIS and appeals to AU Partners to provide the necessary support to the Mission to allow it to continue to perform its mandate during the transition and to enable the AU to assume effectively its important political role in the overall implementation of the DPA. Council encourages the Chairperson of the Commission to expedite preparations for the convening, in Brussels, during the month of June, with the support of the United Nations and the European Union, of a Pledging Conference to mobilize the resources required for the enhancement and sustainment of AMIS;

19. Also expresses deep concern at the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Darfur, and appeals to the international community and the member states to provide the much needed support, including funding to WFP, UNICEF, UNHCR and other humanitarian agencies, in order to facilitate the provision of humanitarian assistance to the affected population in Darfur as well as to the refugees and host communities in Chad;

20. Further expresses concern at the deterioration of relations between Chad and the Sudan and calls on both countries to fully respect and implement their commitments as spelt out in the Tripoli Agreement of 8 February 2006. Council looks forward to the early submission by the Chairperson of the Commission of options on how to support the implementation of the Tripoli Agreement, including support by AMIS, as requested in the decision adopted at its 47th meeting, held in 21March 2006;

21. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

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