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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

OIL – When South Sudanese are more destructive to their interest

By Roba Gibia

May 7, 2007 — There have been lots of deliberations, opinion piece of views and analyzes at the midst of South Sudanese and particularly a squabble among the intellectuals in the media from one hand, and on the other between the SPLM led-GoSS officials about the oil operation dilemma in the south Sudan, and about the legitimacy of the two giant companies, Total and White Nile, over the oil management in south Sudan. The issue of the two oil companies seems to have divided the South Sudanese opinion and the administration in Juba between pro Total and White Nile. But it seems the sensation, politics and above all, personal and group interest is spearheading here, as some Southerners and government officials are looking back into the background of both companies’ countries and their role during the north-south war. Undoubtedly, all of us know the role of France during the war, and even though, later she approached Dr. Garang in Naivasha at the midst of the negotiations to joint the peace train, but Dr. Garang told them that it was too late, because they should have caught the train right from the beginning but not at the mid-way or at the final station. And that doesn’t constitute that the door was closed before France and had no contribution in the peace, as there had been continuous contacts between France and SPLM, and afterwards she was incorporated into the peace process and the task of the post war or south Sudan reconstruction. Besides that we need not to forget also the role of the Great Britain in north-south conflict which was its creation since the colonial rule, its discriminative policy against south Sudanese, isolation of the south from the north and from the rest of the world, substitute of British administrators and clerks in south by Northerners and Arabs, intensification of north and weakening south and later leaving the strong to dominate and enchain the weak, but yet south has forgiven both Khartoum and Great Britain, then why not France! Thus, in the case of south Sudan construction, we will welcome every clean hand stretched to participate in the post war reconstruction regardless of what happened in the past, and without compromising the south Sudan’s security.

Thus, I think the core issue here is that, we are acting in perplexity without having a complete perception of the companies’ circumstances and its durability, as we have to contract with the most competent and translucent company but not with phantom or fraudulent firm which doesn’t want reveal its documents! This is simply because south Sudan has become a fast food site to the international and regional firms to gratify their thirstiness. And we have to see where the interest of the south lies, with Total or White Nile, which requires ideal scrutiny prior to awarding the contract. But according to some senior officials in the GoSS that the awarding of the contract to the White Nile is a good opportunity to bother NCP or Khartoum, I may say yes, but will add trade with a real oil company not with robbers, says an observer. The people of south Sudanese deserve to know the particulars of White Nile’s acquisition to black B, the most paramount terms of the contract and the share percentage of White Nile and GoSS, all this has to be made obvious to the south Sudanese population instead of keeping the whole issue clandestine and vague! In my opinion, we can’t continue making south as a battle field to clear our old accounts on the expenses of the South Sudanese population. What south needs today is a genuine oil exploitation companies which will contribute positively in the development of the region, but not a bogus company to sack south Sudanese blood.

The predicament of oil exploitation in south Sudan lies absolutely with the GoSS administration, as the sole representative of the south Sudanese to choose what is best for its people but not what suits individual or group interest. And the concern here is what obviously is happening within the GoSS administration and the involved corruption surrounding the oil management and revenue in south. And that is apparently what we are witnessing with the oil revenue split swindle in the Upper Nile State, no one knows as where the oil share for the state has gone! Self-empowerment and enhancement, is the principal problem facing the south Sudanese, lack of responsibility, trustworthiness and everyone wants to get rich on the account of public fund. The circumstances, the environment and the absolute desolation where people has been enduring in south Sudan for more than half century, has got significant impact on the people’s behavior and their obligation. Thus, patriotism is being replaced by egoism and love for material acquisition rather than building viable nation’s foundation.

The irresponsible conducts overshadowing the GoSS and its institutions are inevitable, as there are some individuals and groups who are trying day and night to deflect the course of the struggle, and are working hard to retard south Sudan’s pace of development in various fields, and consequently turn the fragile public opinion against the GoSS for the non-delivery of the peace dividend and the basic services. Thus, unless we transform our immoral behavior and rise to our task, we south Sudanese could be more destructive to the south than the real enemies of the south. We are ruining south Sudan through our egoism, tribalism, nepotism and depriving the overall majority of south Sudanese from the fundamental service by pocketing and squandering their funds. And that is precisely what is happening in the government ministries as it was revealed by the council of Ministers meeting last April that the payrolls are full of ghost workers or evils! And this is a clear indication that the whole government institutions are infected, starting from the clerks to the senior and top government dignitaries. If the whole system in south is being infected, then what do we expect foreign oil companies operating in south! And that is precisely what is surrounding the White Nile operation, as according to reliable sources that White Nile is paying some individuals and has recruited son of government official with monthly salary ten thousand U.S. dollars! And as there is no smoke without fire, this is the absolute evidence and fishy scenario behind White Nile’s acquisition to block B over its rivalry, Total.

Thus, it is incredible, as how on earth a company like White Nile will commence executing the deal without revealing its content and making it apparent, not only to the beneficiary’s country but also to its own country of origin, unless there is something inhospitable and peculiar in the whole deal! And that is evident, as British government imposed conditions on the London based company, White Nile to disclose its papers in connection to its possession to block B, but the company declined to present its credential which proves beyond doubt that the deal is not genuine. And that is precisely what our leadership doesn’t want to reveal either to its own people, due to the looming scandal surrounding this entire operation.

* Roba Gibia is a Sudan Tribune columnist. He can be reached at [email protected]

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