Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan’s Machar confirms death of Uganda LRA deputy commander

January 23, 2008 (JUBA, Sudan) — Vincent Otti, the deputy commander of Uganda’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels, is dead, the vice president of south Sudan said on Wednesday.

Vincent_Otti.jpg“I was officially informed by Joseph Kony that Vincent Otti is dead,” south Sudan Vice President Riek Machar told reporters in Juba, south Sudan’s capital. Machar is mediating talks in Juba between the rebels and the Ugandan government.

Numerous LRA deserters have said that Kony, whose 20-year rebellion killed tens of thousands of people and uprooted 2 million before a ceasefire last year, shot dead his number two, accusing him of spying.

No official source had so far commented on his fate.

Otti, regarded as the brains behind the group in contrast to the volatile Kony, was a prime mover behind the LRA joining peace talks that began last year in Juba.

LRA spokesman Godfrey Ayoo said he would make a statement shortly.



  • John Amule de Lokolong
    John Amule de Lokolong

    South Sudan’s Machar confirms death of Uganda LRA deputy commander
    So what is the matter if Otti is death how many Ugandan and Sudanese have gone during their movenment with Konye,i will advice both side of Northern Ug and Southern Sudan to have a big party for his death,because their rebellion was not for freedom,they enjoy killing people and taking children to joint army.next time i wish to hear about the real leader konye,Mr Machar you need to provide evidences about the death of Otti we dont consider same things speaken over the phone or letter may be they were laying how can we prove to be truth otherwise both sides are liar.Dont make same tthing publicity without prove and clear view about,be brave go and find out the reality before.blind always can beleive whatever he/she had with ears but a real person always put effort to find the truth befor considering.we need evidences only like his picture in the coffin.

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