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Sudan Tribune

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Eight southern Sudanese parties form new alliance

By Isaac Vuni

June 29, 2008 (JUBA) — Eight southern Sudanese political parties established a new alliance aiming at expanding and deepening cooperation between the coalition and the signatories of the 2005 peace agreement over the future of southern Sudan.

Alliance_of_South_Sudan.jpgThe “Alliance of South Sudan Political Parties” aims to ensure and broaden cooperation with major parties signatories to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA°, enrolment of civil society, business personals, women and youth full participation to protecting and ensuring implementing the CPA are done to the letter and spirit.

The consensus building conference is being held from 23 to 30 June in Juba under the theme Peace, Unity, Democracy and Referendum along with motto of “Building Consensus on what unites”. The resolutions of the conference will be announced tomorrow afternoon during a press conference.

The parties that constituted the alliance are: United Democratic Front (UDF), Sudan African National Union (SANU), United Sudan African Parties (USAP Two), United South Sudan Party (USSP), Southern Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF), South Sudan Democratic Forum (SSDF), Covenant Democratic Party (CDP) and Sudan National Labour Party (SNLP).

The members of the new alliance called on President Salva Kiir Mayardit to urgently convene south -south dialogue to prepare for the coming general elections in 2009 and referendum in 2011.

The chairman of South Sudan Democratic Forum, Dr. Martin Elias Lomuro stated that referendum to be held in 2011 is a politically correct means to an end towards aspiration of south Sudanese.

Meanwhile the chairman of United Democratic Front (UDF), Mr. Peter Abdrhaman Sule emphasized that the forthcoming Referendum in 2011, should lead to independent of South Sudan.

The delegates observed and commended that it would be necessary and important for southern political parties of Sudan to forge alliance with SPLM especially when it comes to passing of the referendum bill that is going to be presented by the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) that enjoys majority of 52% members in the national assembly while SPLM has only 28% and other political parties add up to 20%.

The alliance further stated that they would not file a presidential candidate at national level but would support SPLM nominee for such a position.

They further declared their commitment to ensuring aspiration of Sudanese people that has been clearly spelled out in the historic document of Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in January 2005 in Kenyan capital Nairobi after twenty one years of bitter and destructive war between north and south Sudan.

Mr. Mayom Kuch Malek, Deputy Chairman of South Sudan Democratic Forum and state minister for irrigation in government of National Unity said they would immediately establish the new secretariat head office in Juba with branches in the ten states of south Sudan for effective coordination of work.

He further urged others south Sudan political parties which are not member of the alliance, to join whenever they feel to.


On the other hand, the Covenant Democratic Party (CDP) and the Sudan National Labour Party (SNLP), both are members of the new alliance, decided to merge in one political organisation.

The Covenant Democratic Party (CDP), initiated from Cairo Egypt by southern Sudanese students in May 2005 under the chairmanship of Mr. Benjamin Ochan Erkolano has finally relocated to southern Sudan capital of Juba in early last year. According to the chairman, CDP has over 3500 registered members both in exile -United States, Canada and Australia and in the five states of southern Sudan; Unity 350, Upper Nile100, Eastern Equatoria, 150, Central Equatoria 270 and Northern Bahr el Ghazal 250.

Meanwhile the Sudan National Labour Party (SNLP) was founded in June 1986 and registered in 1997 under the Chairmanship of Mr. James Anderia Agany along with over two million registered members in the whole country. The party headquarters is in Khartoum with southern branches in Malakal and Juba office is expected to be operational from next month under the supervision of Mr. Shadarach Baker Michael as party Secretary General of Southern sector.



  • Henry Makuei
    Henry Makuei

    Eight southern Sudanese parties form new alliance
    Thanks to southerners who are fighting for unifying southern Sudan I apreciate the Alliance of South Sudan political parties for this move, your ideologies are promising not unless you have the hiden agenda. please keep it up.

  • Bol Akoch Buoi
    Bol Akoch Buoi

    Eight southern Sudanese parties form new alliance
    I will post an article corresponding on the South Sudan Political Alliance

  • Akau Malek
    Akau Malek

    Eight southern Sudanese parties form new alliance
    Our political parties sound politically mature. by showing to southern sudanese that they are not there to cause trouble but correct our inexperience government is a great idea. when it comes to matters between south and its enemies, they unite and support Splm.I Appreciate your new coalition and hope you will still work together until the freedom of southern sudanese is fully acheived. keep it up.
    diehard southerner

  • Uncle Louish
    Uncle Louish

    Eight southern Sudanese parties form new alliance
    Bravo Southern Politicians!

    You have shown us the true sign of patriotism and are thereof worthy of appreciation if you stick to the documentation of that Alliance. Please keep it in practice but not in theory and show the Enemies of peace that you prove worhty of unity in full but not in parts.

    Broaden the cooperation and work for common goal and we shall give you the necessary plea you deserve in order to uplift the political image of Southern Sudan on the globe.


    Uncle Louish, the humble Gent.

  • Deng

    Eight southern Sudanese parties form new alliance
    Having other parties that provide different perspective on the governance of South Sudan is imperative. But some opposition parties that are mention here are virulent and encourages ethnic tension because most of them are form along the ethnic line and this will do more harm then good. Some of the opposition parties in South Sudan are already being used by Khartoum to destabilize the South through their paramilitary wing, (the militates). The alliances is futile, for it is nothing less then a group of Dinka hating and some confuse egocentric Dinka that are trying to advance their political interest in the expense of all Southerners. There is no doubt that the alliances would be used by NCP to dupe and divide South Sudan and destroy our society and keep generations of South Sudanese in bondage. The alliances is a threat, and for them to exist in South Sudan, they must condemned ethnic division, internal terrorism, forego militarism and isolate themselves from NCP, and join in building South Sudan.
    With regard to Goss, I strongly believe that we have to diversify our government in South Sudan. I don’t agree with current administration on most issues including the representation of ethnic group in South Sudan government. There are ways to start critical dialogue on these issues without embarking on ethnic rhetoric which is the platform for some opposition groups. Some complains against the Goss are genuine and some are embellish. The question of ethnic representation in the Goss is incontrovertible, Is Goss being dominated by Dinka? Maybe, is this relevant debate to have? Of course, is virulent ethnic rhetoric the best approach to deal with this issue? Absolutely not.
    Condemnation of Dinka coalesces and solidified their base and discourages dialogue on critical issues like ethnic representation and better governing of South Sudan. For the critics of Dinka, watch what you say and how you say it, (criticize individuals’ official and their policies and refrain from using contentious language of ethnic division, so you don’t tin your message)
    Although the idea of alliances of opposition party is a good idea, I’m skeptic about it. Many of the alliances still maintain their paramilitary militates in the different region of South Sudan, terrorizing civilian and hindering development. Alliances’ direct or indirect relation with NCP is problematic. For these alliances to be successful and attract more open minded members it should reject hate and ethnic division and present a genuine vision for the people of South Sudan.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Eight southern Sudanese parties form new alliance
    So 8 parties plus SPLM = 9 parties?
    And if you add Anya-nya III, there will be ten of them if my arithmetic is correct.

    Too many parties will breed more rebellion in the south even if the South gain independence.

    Three at most is the best number to have. Think twice.

    Ahmed Chol, the future commander of Anya-nya III

  • Jonglei

    Eight southern Sudanese parties form new alliance
    What a Matured politics?

    Go ahead with such avision,we are ready to support you(we the southern sudanese).

    Your Alliance will speed up the activities of SPLM and NCP.

  • Gai Chol Paul

    Eight southern Sudanese parties form new alliance
    It is right to have many parties but what I have seen, some of these parties lacked manifestoes to support their visions.In South Sudan,every one dreams of leadership to be his.You can not even ask yourself who am I?And where am I going ?Truely these parties were formed to create employment among those who self_ proclaimed to be leaders.The good example is that party which was formed by students in Cairo,how many students belong to South Sudan?If students are to form Political parties,how many parties can we form ?if it weren’t our foolishness this wasn’t happened? It had never been happened to have Visionless parties to form fake alliance depriving citizens from hearing development plans instead.When I look crtically into this Alliance it lacked nothing rather than creating employment from government recognition,because people will fear of neglecting them might bring rebellion against the ruling Party.For how long shall we keep nonesenses with in us?How many people among us who were having parallel political motives but failed in their ambition?Please,let’s treat them accordingly.This time is not the time for forgiveness.we forgave them three years ago.You can’t keep the thorns in your bedding unless you are dead.Don’t deceive us in the name of Southern Sudan,we know you one by one.Your propaganda have acheived nonething and will eventually acheived nonething because your parties have no proper manifestoes rather than tribal base complains.I know you have been getting money from the Arabs in the name of bringing South Sudan in to unity with North ,but it was a futile corelation between two of you.Pliz stay away from our politics untill the time you form visionable party that we should all agree.

    Gai Chol Paul, man without hatred.Ask more from him and you will get much.
    [email protected]

  • majak wei ayuen
    majak wei ayuen

    Eight southern Sudanese parties form new alliance
    It is not bad to have different politcal parties in the country.But for the case our country It is too earily to have coalitions of parties.Why not to wait til 2011 when the country is independent.my worry is that there must be something behind this coalitions.

  • Wilson Kur Lual
    Wilson Kur Lual

    Eight southern Sudanese parties form new alliance
    yeah, It is good to have parties but 9 is too much for newly born nation of southern Sudan however; it is queit interesting uder theme UNITY but it should not be the creation of job opportunity because it will be waste of money.

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