Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Darfur mediator in Cairo for talks with Egyptian officials

August 26, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Joint United Nations and African Union Mediator for Darfur, Djibril Bassole, has arrived today in Cairo for talks with the Egyptian officials over the peace process in restive western Sudan province.

Joint United Nations and African Union mediator for Darfur, Djibril Bassole (AFP)
Joint United Nations and African Union mediator for Darfur, Djibril Bassole (AFP)
Bassole is expected to meet the Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit and the Arab league Secretary General Amr Moussa to discuss the outcome of a consultative meeting held in Cairo on the regional and international efforts to reunite Darfur rebels.

The meeting was attended by officials from Libya, Sudan and US to coordinate their efforts on rebels’ unity. Qatar, the host country and Bassole were not invited.

The different initiatives undertaken by Libya, Egypt and the USA over the reunification of the rebel factions led to the emergence of new divisions among the factions and could complicate the peace process.

Initially, the mediator with Libyan support had been working to establish a common ground between the rebels and their participation in the talks with one delegation. Egypt and the US envoy Scott Gration gathered different groups to unify them under one structure.

While the SLM-Nur dismissed some commanders that attended Addis Ababa talks, the rebel groups are divided over who will lead the unified structure.

Also, the SLM-Unity of Abdalla Yahya is witnessing divisions and power struggle. Earlier this month, a breakaway faction led by Ali Karbino announced the establishment of a new rebel group called Democratic Sudan Liberation Movement.

Also the leadership of Yahya is reportedly much contested and he could be removed soon, a matter that would cause more divisions among the members of the SLM-Unity.

In 2007 it had been noticed that efforts by Darfur envoys to reunite the rebels led to more divisions among the rebel groups.



  • Angelo Achuil
    Angelo Achuil

    Darfur mediator in Cairo for talks with Egyptian officials
    I know this article is about an effort to unite Darfur fighters, but I will not comments on it. I want to give advice to “Oshay and his/her like” who had turn this web into a filthy pit.
    I want to say that you enjoy mocking and gloating over S. Sudanese’s predicaments, but unless you stop it (plus your friends) certainly you will NOT go unpunished. If you are wise,learn how to stop your tongue from cursing others. Learn to stop your horses!

  • Monyde Bai
    Monyde Bai

    Darfur mediator in Cairo for talks with Egyptian officials
    It is not a hidden secret that Egypt and Libya are behaving and attempting to demonstrate their Arab imperialist tendencies and ranting in Sudan. First, it was their rail against hope for South Sudan independent. Libyan dictator and terrorist leader Gadhafi alleged that South Sudan will be a weak state should it citizens choose to chart their own path to independent and Egypt is an all time fierce and hostile foe to Southerners in favor of their fellow Arabs in the North. Both Egypt and Libya are denials of Darfur genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by the Arab Sudan government against Africans in Darfur. Both Egypt and Libya called it ” a myth created by Israel and western media”
    These are fascist nations ran by racist groups who have long exterminated their African population in Nubia(South Egypt) and Meghreib(Berbers) and they both want African population in the Sudan to be exterminated they way they have done it in their respective countries.The Darfur people should not hope anything helpful to them will come out from Tripoli and Cairo. These capitals are Darfur hollocust war rooms and drawing boards and must be identified.

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